6mm Arc for deer

First, I have not seen enough kills with the ARC to know if it is as effective as its larger brother on deer and hog sized game. I've seen hundreds of kills with the Grendel in gas gun. But for Coyotes, they are both more than capable.
I would post some tables of the ballistic data between the ARC and the Grendel but they would take up quite a bit of space. I have run the numbers over and over between the 2 in equal barrel lengths at gas gun pressures. At hunting distances or to let's say 600 yards, the differences between comparable bullets 103 vs 123 and even the 108 are insignificant. At 1000 yards the ARC 108 does have a slight edge. 25" less drop, 7" less wind drift, and .08 second difference in flight time. But has 40 ft/lbs less energy. So you may perceive a difference on really long range varmints but there are better options in 6mm and 6.5 if that is the goal. Either will do a lot of damage to a Coyote pretty much as far as you would care to shoot one.
Recoil difference is very slight but the ARC does have less.
The biggest difference in the 2 would be the Hornady Red Koolaid. If I had 1 of these calibers, I would not trade it for the other. Which I do. I have 2 Grendel's as they are my main deer and hog depredation guns. Right now there are more factory ammo options for the Grendel. The ARC may or may not see that in the future.
For a bolt gun there may be some advantages. I don't know as I will never go that route. But if I were going for Coyote at really long range with a bolt gun, I would likely go for one of the 6mm options used in BR competition.

For a bolt gun there may be some advantages. I don't know as I will never go that route. But if I were going for Coyote at really long range with a bolt gun, I would likely go for one of the 6mm options used in BR competition.
I love the ARC as a way to get super light and use in a mini boltgun. This has gotten my wheels spinning the past couple of weeks and I did a bit of digging.
There are guys in the BR community shooting the PPC class that have started turning down the rim on Dasher brass to work in PPC class. A rebated rim similar to the 284 Win or 300 WSM cases.
So, in theory, I could buy a new fast twist 6mm barrel, chamber it in 6 Dasher and spin it onto my Howa Mini and have an even more powerful pocket rocket with a massively proven track record for accuracy with a bit more gas in the tank… 🤔
If this factory Howa barrel won't shoot to my standards, I'll have a new barrel shortly 🤪
In a bolt gun. I would do a Dasher, way before I would do a 6 ARC. The ARC was designed for a gas gun. I shoot several Dashers. Crazy accurate, easy to load for and more horsepower.
Howa Mini comes chambered for ARC. I'd have to rebate the Dasher rim (requiring a bit more work for reloading) but I'm sure it'd be worth it in the long run. I'll just have to see how the ARC shoots before I head down that trail…