6mm ARC Boltgun Chronicles


Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2013
Cle Elum, WA
I have been blowing various sub threads up trying to figure things out for my build and I feel like I've finally got a handle on it.
Just wanted to create a thread I can update as time allows this year to share with anyone else interested in assembling a mini boltgun to shoot the ARC cartridge.
My build:
- Howa Barreled Action 22" Sporter #2 barrel
- Trijicon Credo 2-10x36
- Hawkins Featherweight Rings
- Jefferson Outdoors Mini Hinge Floorplate
- Stocky's Ultra Carbon Hunter

I've bounced around on bullets but am going to start with the 89gr Apex Afterburner.
I've got virgin Starline Brass and have always been happy with my experience using Starline products.
I've got several bricks of CCI BR4 and will see how they interact with the other components.
Mark of Apex sent me load data and W748 showed the most promise in the velocity department, so I'll start load workup with it and see how it shakes out.
I'm currently waiting for my rifle to be released since in WA and there's a mandatory 10 day wilting period for any firearm purchase along with several bribes the state requires for purchase. Once I get the gun, I plan on putting everything together and taking it for a spin (weather permitting).
Welcome to my chaos and I hope you enjoy the ride.
The more stuff I kill with the 6.5 Grendel, the more I love it.

However I like guns and this little cartridge intrigues me. That combo you're building aught to be a Hammer.
I just figured it crossed off most of my boxes.
- Fun to shoot
- Accurate
- Light recoil
- No muzzle brake required
- Lightweight
- Accurate factory ammo

I thought long and hard about a Grendel back in the day when the CZ 527 was the only mini action available.
What have you killed?
When the Howa Mini came out, I knew it was just a matter of time before I bought one. When the ARC came out I felt it calling my name last year but just had too many other irons in the fire to pursue at that point. Gave me a fun project to pursue as I worked through the dark times of winter 🤣
This year we've killed 7 deer, last year killed a 3 I think. 8-10 coyotes, and 20-30 pigs. (No pigs bigger than 100 lbs)

I've shoulder shot just about everything. Pass through on all, with 123 ELD-M's and 123 SST's:
Was this on purpose or just how it's worked out so far? I'd be curious how it does on one of those bigger male shoulder plates.
As far as performance, have you noticed a difference between the ELDM and SST better?
Not that anyone is questioning the killing power of the Grendel but in the last few years Between my brother and nephews all hunting with the Grendel we have killed WT and pigs ranging in the 100's including many big boars! All with the 123eldM (Hornady Black box). The EldM is a very soft cup & core bullet and I believe the expansion is perfect for the impact velocities of the Grendel. It is perfectly suited for deer and pigs under 200yards.

I also have a 6x45 pushing 80gr Speer soft points at 2800fps that has killed a pile of deer as well but I find it on the bottom edge of "enough gun" for Deer and pigs, shots need to be near perfect and then they die quick. I long wanted to try an 6ARC with the 108's I am sure it will be just like the Grendel.

If its bigger than a WT or farther then 200yards then pull out the Longrange rifle and kill it!
Sounds like some cool builds yall got going
Was this on purpose or just how it's worked out so far? I'd be curious how it does on one of those bigger male shoulder plates.
As far as performance, have you noticed a difference between the ELDM and SST better?
In the Grendel, eldM and SsT are nearly identical on game. I would try them both in a rifle for accuracy and then shoot the most accurate or shoot the one I could buy the best value in bulk!
Starting load data for the 89gr Afterburner from Mark for my 22" barrel.

W748 - 26.4
Case fill - 92%
Velocity - 2718fps
Pressure - 45.5k
COAL - 2.35"

Plenty of room to improve upon. I should be able to safely increase pressure by 30% in my little Howa.
Was this on purpose or just how it's worked out so far? I'd be curious how it does on one of those bigger male shoulder plates.
As far as performance, have you noticed a difference between the ELDM and SST better?
It just happened that way. I darn sure want to shoulder punch a big ol rank boar hog, just ain't happened that way.

Performance between ELD-M and SST have been identical. Pass through on shoulder shot critters, with internals into jello.
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