This is an old thread I Get Reply But I'm going to try anyway. I want something different and unique that shuts 6.5 creed more people down (politely, and only the guys who ..well you know the guys.). I am 47 year old first year apprentice and starting my career over with a family of 5 my gun collection has dwindled to 3. I'm planning a top out or graduation present for myself at the end of my 5th year. Had a 270AI on a Rem 721 and I would like to have a recoil less than I had here and less then 308 without a brake. I WILK have a mild brake and a heavy rifle but I don't want all the blowback I was getting from my 270AI with a 50cal style brake. It ate all the recoil but put so much gas in my face I didn't enjoy shooting it and that is really why we shoot, because we enjoy it. So I'm thinking about the following calibers and was wondering, relatively, what a non competition barrel life and performance compared to the infamous6.5 freeze more would be like:
257 Roberts Imp.
6Remington/6 Rem imp
243Win/243 Win imp
7mm-08 imp long action
any Sherman or 7mm options I should look at?
I want to shoot heavy for caliber bullets with faster then standard twist rates. I'm not shooting competition but I want to make the necessary modifications to the design to make it a rifle I could hunt with.and the throw in the truck Sunday morning and go do a local competition. Forest to 500-600 must outperform the creedmore.