6.5x300 wby barrel for a mark v


Active Member
Feb 21, 2013
I was wondering if anyone knows anything about necking a .300 wby down to a 6.5. And where i could get a barrel and dies
The barrel is easy. Bartlein or Krieger. Then wait 5 months to a year. Give your chosen smith a heads up so he can order the reamer. You can spend that time waiting looking for dies.

Have you had a look at the 26 Nosler? I think it may do about what you want.
The 26 nosler looks good to go but i have a 300 wby mark v with a shot out barrel and a decent amount of once fired same lot wby brass. Ive been having shoulder problems and i figure with a heavier contour barrel, thumbhole stock, brake, and the lighter 6.5 bullets i can lose a good amount of that recoil. I guess i just want something different, im all about putting a v8 in a go cart. :D
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