6.5x284 Lapua brass question


Well-Known Member
Dec 25, 2006
Does anyone know what the neck diameter typically is for a loaded piece of 6.5x284 lapua brass? I am wanting to buy redding type s dies and wondering what bushing I will need.

Lapua brass, amax 140 : 0,2945

lapua brass, berger 140 VLD: 0,2495

I use the .293 bushing; the .292 would also be ok and hold the bullets a little tighter. I would suggest you buy the .292 and .293, and if you want, also a .291
i am in the came boat as cruizer.i was going to wait to order the bushings.im planning to shoot the 142 smk's. would it be safe for me to go ahead and order one of each;the .292 and 293 or will it be best to wait and make sure.
Would it be safe for me to go ahead and order one of each, the 0.292 and 0.293, or will it be best to wait and make sure.
Sinclair will send small orders (under 12 oz.) by USPS at a reduced shipping rate. If you wish to measure your brass before ordering the bushings, you can do so without paying a big penalty in shipping costs. It may be cheaper than buying a bushing you will never use.
I just checked the loaded neck diameter on several of the 100+ that I have loaded. They are all .293, Lapua unturned brass with 140gr Bergers. I am using a .292 bushing, it is a single shot so I do not need a lot of neck tention. When I set this rifle up I ordered a .291, .292, .293, and a .294 all steel, no Titanium Nitride. If you find you do not need one or two you can probably sell them here and only be out a couple of bucks.
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