6.5 sherman formed brass

I would be interested in either, actually both. Need to know when and min qty though before I make a firm commitment.
Here is an update that might interest someone. Left to Right is the parent SAUM case, middle-SAUM ready to fire form, right- formed 7SS. That's right (7SS) I will be putting one together in the next month or so. I am posting this to see if anyone would be interested in getting (ready to fire form brass) for the 6.5 or 7SS? It is easy to do and it would save me time and you $$. I am still working on head stamped SS brass, but even if it goes, it will take a year to produce......Rich DSCF1166.jpg
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Rich, I'm definitely interested in some SS brass. Count me on for 200 & I know I can speak for my friend Matt on at least the same. KMG
Rich, I'm definitely interested in some SS brass. Count me on for 200 & I know I can speak for my friend Matt on at least the same. KMG

Of the ready to fire form? This would be shortened, trimmed, and neck turned. (like the middle pic) You would still have to fire form it......Rich
Rich, what brand of brass would it be and the approx. price? Could sound good to me, a head stamp is cool, but old rather have better brass at a better price than cool.
Rich, what brand of brass would it be and the approx. price? Could sound good to me, a head stamp is cool, but old rather have better brass at a better price than cool.

Norma brass at $2.50. The Head stamped stuff (if it becomes available) will be $3 and will be Hornady quality I am told.......Rich
That norma brass would work nicely. I'm looking for a short action as we speak, just got in my bartlien 3B 1-8. trying to decide to go a 700 or throw down for a borden action. such problems to have to worry about.lol
Rich, can you load these casings with a regular load and bullet and fire form them and will the fire form loads shoot good or do you have to do the cream of wheat? I was wondering if you could use powder and then punch the neck of the casing into a slab of paraffin wax instead of cream of wheat and crisco. like loading wax practice bullets for pistols.what do you think?
I know some rounds shoot well while fire forming. like going from a 260 to 260 improved.
Rich, can you load these casings with a regular load and bullet and fire form them and will the fire form loads shoot good or do you have to do the cream of wheat? I was wondering if you could use powder and then punch the neck of the casing into a slab of paraffin wax instead of cream of wheat and crisco. like loading wax practice bullets for pistols.what do you think?
I know some rounds shoot well while fire forming. like going from a 260 to 260 improved.

You can load a bullet if you want. Just make sure that it is head spaced properly. They seem to shoot pretty well. As far as the wax goes, I have never tried it but it is an interesting concept. Try it in YOUR rifle and let me know:D
It just occured to me that using wax in the case mouth might not be a good idea! Here is why. When using a powder such as red dot in a large capacity case to fire form, you have a LOT of air space left in the case and the powder can be in various locations inside the case. This can potentially cause some STRANGE things to happen upon ignition. When I was pretty young, and even dumber than I am now, I loaded up some reduced loads using 75 grain Hornady bullets and a small charge of red dot shotgun powder in a 25=06. I was having fun shooting groups at around 2000', if I recall correctly. I had fired several rounds without any problems and suddenly one of the rounds just made a hissing sound instead of the normal pop. I grabbed the bolt to open eject the round and it felt like it was welded! I took it home and ended up using a piece of wood to hammer the bolt open. IT TOOK SOME EFFORT! When I finally got the bolt out, the case was fused into the bolt face and I had to pry it out with a pair of vice grips. The brass had melted into the extractor leaving a nice formed bump on the case head. I have no idea what the chamber pressure was, but it think it is safe to say that it exceeded SAAMI specs! Fortunately for me, the 700 action was STRONG or I would likely be resembling an ugly unicorn! Bottom line: I don't think I would try fire forming without a filler such as COW!.......Rich
Last time we fire formed for our 6.5 Sherman's we plugged the neck with bees wax. Filled the case like normal with COW and used a bees wax plug instead of paper towel. Seemed to work good.
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