6.5 PRC

Thank you both. Awaiting a new 6.5 prc and trying to decide what load to use. That is fantastic data i really appreciate it. I think i will try the 140 bergers as ive heard so much about the eldx failing. You mentioned bonded bullets? Which ones? Its tough to say distance. We never know if we will have a 30 yd shot or a 450 yd shot. Something that performs well for both?
Well, if your honest shots don't exceed 500 yards and you hunt where you need to blood trail you rmight be better off developing a load with say a Swift Scirocco or one of the Accubonds. If you try the Accubonds I'd weigh each one. They can be 3-4 grains off. I only shoot +/-1gr ones and have achieved 1/2 MOA with my 6.5. PRC using the 142 ABLRs.
Has anyone had good results from barnes? Was hoping to go with a vld bullet. I do like the sciroccos though. Thank you for the accubond tip!
Starting load data for 142 accubonds?
My powder ladders were as follows from a 26in barrel. Your results will likely vary.

59.4. 3085
59.2. 3071
59. 3063
58.8. 3056
58.6. 3016

60.0 3102
59.8 3113
59.6 3100
59.4 3072
59.2 3067
59.0 3063


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