6.5 PRC Ejector Mark - Factory Ammo

Thanks for all the comments guys. Jreagle I sincerely appreciate the post, it's good to read some of your experiences. The rifles are definitely shooters, Seekins did it up well. Loading up some rounds with the once fired brass and will see if the ejector marks were a one off or if they go away with correctly headspace brass. Will post results.
Thanks for all the comments guys. Jreagle I sincerely appreciate the post, it's good to read some of your experiences. The rifles are definitely shooters, Seekins did it up well. Loading up some rounds with the once fired brass and will see if the ejector marks were a one off or if they go away with correctly headspace brass. Will post results.

It's to note if you're using H1000 there was a lot of talk of Carbon rings being built up in the throat of the 6.5 SAUM that would spike pressure. Both on the FB group and the Hide. Would be a good question to ask on the FB group too as George, Scott, and Pat frequent that group and have probably more experience with the 6.5 PRC/SAUM than anyone that's been loading for it since it's official release. I've had some spikes with dad's gun that i didn't anticipate that were to my knowledge well below max. I've got to clean it before we shoot the 143gr ELD-X out of it. I'll recommend going with something like 7977 or RL26 something that isn't so sooty/dirty if it's going to be shot a lot. FWIW to my knowledge the enduron line 4451, 4166, and 7977 is basically a cleaner burning generic to H4350, Varget, and H1000. My experience with 4451 and 4166 in both my 6.5x47s seems to mirror just that. I've followed Varget and H4350 load data to the T in finding loads and it's very very similar.
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Great to know on the carbon rings. I will clean the gun well tonight before shooting. Looked all over for RL26 but none of the stores near me had any. Plus I have no tons of H1000 so ideally that works.
Was there any consideration that the pressure spikes could be caused by the extruded kernels of powder bridging at the shoulder?

In my .257 RUM, slightly smaller bore diameter, that's a major safety concern and problem. So much so that it requires the use of ball powders.
Thanks for all the comments guys. Jreagle I sincerely appreciate the post, it's good to read some of your experiences. The rifles are definitely shooters, Seekins did it up well. Loading up some rounds with the once fired brass and will see if the ejector marks were a one off or if they go away with correctly headspace brass. Will post results.

happy to share..... good luck and hope all goes well
Shot this morning - same ejector marks on new brass with only 0.004" headspace difference this time. I tried loads from 53gr H1000 to 58.5gr and the mark was on all. I also shot some 1x fired brass with proper headspacing and a new mark was placed on them. No "pressure" signs in the primers / case walls, or sticky bolt. I will hopefully be able to get a hold of Seekins next week and have them check it out. During the OCW testing the rifle shot between 0.4 and 1.2 MOA at 200yds, with tightest group at 57.7gr and the largest at 55.8gr. The 147gr ELD-M was moving at 2910fps @ 57.7gr. Really looking forward to using this rifle on a spring bear hunt! Thanks again to everyone who chimed in the past few days.
On your once fired brass, do you know how far you bumped the shoulder? It's looking more and more like bad brass though!
Got my Havak 6.5prc back from seekins last week and resumed load development. No more ejector marks throughout Hornady's'recommended load range with H1000, so a success! They removed a burr from the bolt head, polished and lapped appropriate areas, and replaced the firing pin. They made things right, I am impressed. Too many companies would have just turned a blind eye nowadays.

This Target was at 200 yds, 3 shots. Squares are 1", and the group was repeated multiple times. 58.3gr H1000, 147gr ELDM, shooting 2945fps. I am impressed.


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Wow that's a nice group. A Havak is on my wish list. Glad they took care of you.
Check head space. Does it mark just by chambering or only after firing? Is the bolt face square and free of gouges, marks etc on, in, or around ejector area? Are the scope mounting screws protruding into the chamber? What kind of action are we looking at? I Should have read earlier posts, seems action flaws caused the problem The action? a
Seekins, should not have sent out a bad bolt in the first place! You are the one who is out the time and trouble for their mistake. This does not speak well for their product.
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New brass was coming in at the lower headspace. New brass was 1.668", fired is 1.682". I just opened a second box of brass and the headspace is 1.678", much closer. No ideas why different. Will work up the load with the 2nd box of brass.

Hspc does not explain the issue with factory ammo however, but I did not measure it's hspc before shooting.
Hornady brass leaves something to desire, but it's the only game in town.
Bertram is in process of getting PRC brass finished up, been tested and looking good. It's tougher than nails.
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