6.5 Creedmoor, Small Primer Pocket

One 700 6.5x47 I had didn't have the bushed firing pin hole and would crater primers with even mild loads. My current 700 6.5x47 has the firing pin bushed and will show ejector marks long before you see any abnormalities on the primer. Most custom actions have a small firing pin. From what I can see, there are no downsides to the small firing pin and all my rifles will have them from now on.

I have a 6.5x47L built on a M700 short action and the firing pin isn't bushed. It doesn't crater or pierce primers, I've had no problems with it and have ran some pretty stout loads in it. I guess you'd just need to shoot it and see what it does, but don't just assume that it has to be bushed to work.
Glad to hear that Garycrow. That was my plan on my new X47. I hope I don't need to get it bushed. Sure is nice to see other 6.5X47 guys on here. Would really like to hear of loads, bullets used, hunting with 6.5X47 etc. Not meaning to high jack sorry. But I believe the bushing problem has come up more often with the 6.5X47; obviously because it has a small primer.
Lapua went to the small primer to get better Case life . Most cases in 6.5 creedmoore competition loads are about 8 reloads before you start seeing loose primers , maybe less if you are running at the higher end of pressure in a given load. The smaller primer greatly increase Case life and it is also a accuracy benefit too!
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