6.5 Creedmoor bullets

At the shot range you are talking about you can't do any better than a partition. I have killed several elk with a 100 grain partition from my 25-06.
Thanks, Kirk
At that short range don't waist your money on those expensive long range bullets just go with any of the cup and core bullets like Sierra. I have shot a good number of the size deer you are talking about with the 6.5x55 with 120 & 140 Sierra and the 140 Hornady interlock and they all work great. The 6.5 bullets are long and they just keep mushrooming and penetrating. I have also killed a bunch with the 120 Nosler Ballistic Tip and they work great but they also cost twice as much as the cup and core bullets.
At that short range don't waist your money on those expensive long range bullets just go with any of the cup and core bullets like Sierra. I have shot a good number of the size deer you are talking about with the 6.5x55 with 120 & 140 Sierra and the 140 Hornady interlock and they all work great. The 6.5 bullets are long and they just keep mushrooming and penetrating. I have also killed a bunch with the 120 Nosler Ballistic Tip and they work great but they also cost twice as much as the cup and core bullets.
My thoughts exactly. No reason to go too expensive when close range. If you had decent opportunity to shoot much longer ranges I would say having a high end bullet would matter more but if your most likely well within 100 yards go with several of the long term tried and trues like Sierra, interlock, or even core lokts
There is a lot of talk about saving your money and shooting inexpensive bullets because you are not intending to shoot long range. I guess that is all well and good, but in the end the cost of your bullets is relatively inexpensive compared to all the eqipment that goes into the hunt. If your inexpensive bullets take a couple hundred to get your load tuned in compared to 20 Hammer Bullets you are no longer money ahead withthe cheap bullets. If you intend to eat your target and the cost meat is valued at $3/lb, 10 lbs of lost meat from a shoulder hit compared to 1 or 2 lbs lost when using Hammer Bullets from the same shot, again not saving much money.

Lots of arguments about lead in the meat, but given a choice in a resurant to have a steak with a little lead in it or one that is lead free, I know what your choice would be.

At the ranges you are talking about shooting our Sledge Hammer bullet line is the perfect normal range hunting bullet. If you would like to extend the range of your rifle look at the Hammer Hunter line. The 124g Hammer Hunter will run just over 3000fps in the Creed and the 110g Hammer Hunter will run about 3150+fps. This bullet is a great combination of speed and bc for hunting shots out to 500y.

Let me know if I can answer any questions. [HIDDEN]

I've used Sierra 120gr. Pro hunter bullets in my 6.5 CM and all my shots except one on deer was under 100 yards, very accurate and never had a problem with bullet fragments if that's a concern.
I'd either use monos or the Speer 130,etc maybe the 140 HC. I have a friend who shot bookoo East Texas whitetail under 100 with a 264 winMag and the 140 Hot cor (HC)
I shoot a 6.5x47 so it's similar to the Creed. We shot 10 Texas whitetail this January. One gun I'm running the 130 Berger hunting. Other gun is running the 130 accubond. Both performed incredible. Berger is going just under 3000 fps. Accubond is 2900 fps. Shots were from 100 to 300 yds. All bang flop DRT. For your distances I'd maybe go with the accubond.
Thanks Guy's.
For the help.
Also has anyone used the Sierra 130 Hollow Point GameKing's?
I have read mixed review's, just wondering?