6.5 bullet for Prong Horn

Wouldn't you rather the 143gr ELD-X which is designed to expand in a hunting situation over the 147 ELD-M which is just designed for paper? I am following the thread because I have a recently purchased Remington 700 Magpul in .260 and a deep desire to travel out west in pursuit of pronghorn.
Wouldn't you rather the 143gr ELD-X which is designed to expand in a hunting situation over the 147 ELD-M which is just designed for paper? I am following the thread because I have a recently purchased Remington 700 Magpul in .260 and a deep desire to travel out west in pursuit of pronghorn.
ELD-M works excellent on game!
Whatever is the most accurate bullet. I like my my 7mm Berger 195 at 3100 FPS but that's because of the high BC and how well it bucks the wind. Anything other than a fmj will work fine. Small animal small vital zone at extended ranges.
Whatever is the most accurate bullet. I like my my 7mm Berger 195 at 3100 FPS but that's because of the high BC and how well it bucks the wind. Anything other than a fmj will work fine. Small animal small vital zone at extended ranges.
My 6.5-270 with the 156 Berger shoots great, I also shoot the Berger 195 but my 7 mm is a 7mm-300 Norma and that's way to much for a Prong Horn
Having 22 Speed Goats on the wall, I'd opine they are easy to kill and not hard to get close to.

My "deadest quickest" were both quartering away. 80 gr TTSX at 3997 from 25-06 240 yards. 70 gr tsx from 22-06 at 3600 350 yards. Last was killed at 60 feet with 6.5x55 160 gr Hornady RNSP.
My 6.5-270 with the 156 Berger shoots great, I also shoot the Berger 195 but my 7 mm is a 7mm-300 Norma and that's way to much for a Prong Horn


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I agree with the earlier posts who said whatever shoots best and you have the most confidence in. "Goats" are the easiest to kill big game I've ever hunted, any bullet will do it.
Wouldn't you rather the 143gr ELD-X which is designed to expand in a hunting situation over the 147 ELD-M which is just designed for paper? I am following the thread because I have a recently purchased Remington 700 Magpul in .260 and a deep desire to travel out west in pursuit of pronghorn.
If you load the ELD-X or ELD-M for a 700 Remington action, be sure to test the feed from the magazine.
I just returned from a NM antelope hunt after developing loads for my 6.5 PRC (with a 700 Rem clone action) and for my step-son's 308 Win made by Remington. The 6.5 PRC loads were with ELD-X 143 gr bullets, and the 308 Win loads were with ELD-M 155 gr bullets. Neither rifle would feed a bullet into the chamber from the left position in the magazine because the tip of the bullet jams against the left rim of the chamber instead of clearing it. I think this is due to the long narrow taper of these bullets. Both loads were within SAAMI COAL and would stack in the magazines fine.
BTW, both bullets performed well in these small animals.
Has anyone else encountered this problem? Solution?
(I'll attach a photo in a minute.)
My 7mm WSM with 168 Bergers becomes a single shot rifle. I use the same bullet for everything from javelina to elk. Works for me. If you do it right, all you need is one shot. No such thing as too much gun (as long as you can shoot it). Just went on two NM antelope hunts, one on private land, one on public. My friend's 6.5 Creedmoor has killed 4 so far. Perfect gun for antelope. We had some 350 and 400 yard opportunities, but longest actual shot was about 250 yards.
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