6.5 bullet for Prong Horn

What size of bit?
I don't know the exact size, I just got a kit like the one listed below

And then found the one that fit tight in one of the unmodified bullets with an open hollow point, found the depth down to lead and checked it up and started drilling.
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I may just get a guided hunt for antelope in Wyoming B/C trying for a tag here in Nevada seems hopeless.

Anyway with my 6.5 PRC X-Bolt pro I'll use the best bullet for long range which means anywhere from 143 gr. Hornady ELD-X, 147 gr. ELD-M and 153 gr. A-Tip or 153 gr. Berger Hybrid.

To me it's about the best ballistics. On a thin skinned animal like antelope even the match grade bullets will work just fine. Berger Hybrids in particular have been proven on much larger game.

Eric B.
As far as wind drift is concerned, the 156 eol has a .355 G7 bc as confirmed by Applied Ballistics in their testing, which generally consists of an average down to 1600? fps or so, While Hornady advertises the same .355 bc for their 153 A-tip, however that is at 2,512 fps and above, when you average the bc they list down to 1953 fps (the lowest velocity they go to) the actual bc of the bullet is .350 G7, which in general, is only a difference of a couple inches at 1000 yards.

Another thing to consider, is that the 156 EOL has significantly less bearing surface than the 153 A-tip. With the 156 I was able to get within 50 fps or so before pressure signs of what I could get with the 147 eld-m, I honestly think you could get the same or better velocity with the 156 eol than you could the 153 atip, though this is just conjecture as I haven't loaded the 153 before. There is also the fact that the 156 is designed for hunting, vs. the 153, though it may work well, the 156 was designed for it. In a 6.5 prc, you will get 2900+ fps from the 156. People tend to be landing around 2975-3025 with it in the PRC.

Just my thoughts, but I may be biased, I used or let people use my rifle for around 15 big game kills with the 156 from 200 out to 940 yards just this season, including about 10 pronghorn, 3 deer and 2 elk, with excellent terminal performance.
I'd tend to disagree. Have you ever shot a mule deer with a 458 win mag using 405 gr Barnes X bullets? Or even something bigger like a 50 cal?

50 BMG on a white tail doe.....very little meat loss. Not necessary, but your not loosing anything as far as meat by going bigger. Bullet selection will likely make more of a difference than a .308 vs a 50 bmg as far as meat damage.
50 BMG on a white tail doe.....very little meat loss. Not necessary, but your not loosing anything as far as meat by going bigger. Bullet selection will likely make more of a difference than a .308 vs a 50 bmg as far as meat damage.

Yes, it is expanding bullets like a 458 win mag or in this video taking a shot a 50 cal doing a neck/spine clip that doesn't tear stuff up...... Just look up online what a 50 cal sniper round does to a person... Say like an embassy attack in a far away country..... They say it is disheartening to the fellow mob attackers

I've owned a 26 inch barreled 458 win mag and reloaded everything for two loaned my rifle for African Safaris that took the big five. Modern day doesn't include the rhino. so it's the elephant, hippo, cape buffalo, crock, and lion. Personally I went for the big brown and a 510 gr. soft point and the 9'6" not near a record walking toward us went clear through it from the chest and out the but cheek DRT

Later on I took some friends out plinking bench rest shooting for them all to try it out. the 405's X bullets chronoed at 2624 AVG with no stress once i got the powder type figured out. Well my friends said let's see what it will do for a mule deer depredation hunt. Mule deer at maybe different ones in a field up to 200 yards. these were lion and big plains game rounds.

I took some pictures of skinned out deer doing the classic H/L broadside shots. the hole out the far side might be 6-10 inches.

When I was younger i could shoot it maybe 20 rounds bench rest shooting. Now it feels like I need to see a chiropractor because I'm rotated from the massive foot pounds even with my padded shooting jacket 🍭
I am going to shoot up the rest of my 160 Matrix and then making the switch to the 156 EOL. If I can't get them to shoot, I'm trying the 147 ELDM
I have a 6.5-270 WSM that I'm going to use on a Prong Horn hunt this year. I like the Berger bullets, my choice is the 135 gr. Classic Hunter, 140 gr. EOL Elite Hunter, 156 gr. EOL Elite Hunter
My longest kill shot so far is 850 yards with my 7-300 Norma with the 195 Berger on Elk, I like heavy bullets, but the 156 gr. may be over kill
I would opt for the 156 if it shoots well seems every time we antelope hunt the wind is tremendous the 156 should buck it a little better
I've only used Noslers...the 125PT and then the 120NBT, both around or just past 300yds. 6,5.284 with necked down WW 284 brass. 3200fps with both. Could not get that speed from Hornady, Lapua or Norma brass.
I shoot a 120 Sierra PH over Re-22 in my 6.5-06 AI. Not a LR setup but I feel good with it (and its standard non-turret scope) out to 400. Shoots bugeyes and devastating on speedgoats.
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