6.5 Berger 140 vld or 135 classic Hunter for Deer

I'm glad I ran into this posting, as I was about to also inquire about 135 Classic Hunter for deer. I've been shooting them in my 6.5 CM and have been greatly impressed with how well they group. Was curious about actual terminal performance results as they are my first choice for an upcoming mule dear hunt in northern Arizona. Thanks!
Shoot with confidence. My dad runs them in his Creed and took a 175# buck at 619yrds. He went 40yrds yards and fell over dead. Heart and lungs were soup. Oddly enough, we never found and entrance wound, but the exit was golf ball sized. I ran them in my 6.5WSM @ 3215fps and took a 200# pig at 721yrds. Entrance was between the front legs (chest) and no exit. He ran about 200yrds before expiring, but the blood trail was easy to follow starting about 40yrds from where he was hit. Did not open him up, but judging from the amount of blood coming from his mouth and nose, the damage was extensive.
in the 6.5cm both have worked well, if you're using a detachable mag the ch may be easier on seating depth. Never much blood except for out the mouth, blood trails are light but they never run far, I expect 0-20yds, if they make it 40 that's a long way.
settled on 135ch @ 2850fps and it's been my go to last couple years.