Here's something I just came across, so I submit it here as a followup to my previous remark. I think I mentioned something similar in an earlier post on this thread, too. It's about what I was questioning about the need for the expanded AI case. While I'm still early in my development of load data for this cartridge, I am not filling even the non-AI, unexpanded case. I submitted earlier a list of the percent-full of various MAX loads and they weren't even at 100% for the unexpanded case. The only reason for blowing out a case into AI is to get more powder capacity. So if your case isn't full before the case shoulder gets blown out, it seems to me there is no point in blowing it out in the first place.
Now, in my case, I have to blow it out anyway, because that's what the chamber is in the rifle I bought.
However, I just bought a subscription at, and I was perusing some of the wildcat calibers I am fooling around with right now. There were several sets of load data listed for the 6.5mm-06. One I looked at had this very interesting tidbit of info:
Warning! Notes: Standard twist: 10". Special twist: 12", 14". The 6.5mm-06 Improved, sometimes called the .256-06 Improved is obviously not as efficient as the standard 6.5mm-06 which tends to indicate that the maximum efficient case capacity has been reached and that the 6.5mm-06 Improved is somewhat over bore capacity thus resulting in not quite as efficient cartridge as the standard version. The following loads bear this out because these were made in the same barrel, by first chambering the barrel for the standard 6.5mm-06, then later it was rechambered for the "improved" version so that a good comparison was obtained for the two cartridges in the same barrel. (Handbook for Shooters & Reloaders/Vol. 1 - P.O. Ackley, 1962)
According to this info, even PO Ackley himself discovered the same thing way back in 1962 that I was saying; if you aren't filling the standard case, then there's no point in having a chamber that blows the shoulder out for more powder capacity.
Another data point for the OP to consider.
So, you guys shooting the AI or other blown-out cases - are you in fact putting more powder in them than the original, non-blown-out case would hold? If so, then I can see considering the improved cartridges, otherwise I don't see the point.