First to explained what I've got, and how I'm "struggling".
I bought a 6.5-06 ackley improved off gun broker. It is a Winchester model 70 push feed, with a 26" 1-8 light contour barrel. Made by Oregunsmithing.
To fire form I used 50 new Hornady 270 win brass resized it with rcbs 6.5-06 Asquare dies (dealer ordered and got wrong dies $85 pretty much wasted) and trimmed to length with a lee 25-06 case trimmer. I left a .010 portion of the neck unsized, and loaded 129 grain Hornady SST with 53 grains of reloader 22 (almost max load according to Nosler website for 6.5-06 Asquare... only data I could find) and federal 215 gold medal magnum match primers. This load produced about 1" groups @ 2775fps. But About 1/4 of my cases showed stretching at the web, and a couple even started to split at the case head... epic fail!
I tried 52.5 grains and pressure was a lot worse. Split the case at the case head, very flat primer, almost blew out the primer, the primer was mushroom shaped when deprimed the bottom half of the case. This doesn't make sense to me, but it apparently was an "under charge" causing excessive stretching at the web and excess pressure sign's on the primer.
So I discarded the Hornady cases (don't trust them to reload) there went $40.
I contacted Redding and finally ordered 6.5-06 ackley improved 40* dies from a source they recommended ...$180. I also ordered 100 new Norma 270win cases and a 6.5 Lee case trimmer. I worked up a load with H-1000 and 129 grain Hornady sst. Setting at 58.5 grains @ 2870fps about an 1" group @ 100yds. Finally got a good fireforming load.
Now I'm trying to find a good load for my formed cases...My goal is 3200fps with 129 grain bullets with 1/2" groups.
So far h-1000 is not going to get me there... retumbo is to slow... reloader 26 with 61 grains gets me 3212fps but I'm getting more pressure signs than I like... flat primer with slight ejector marks on brass...
What I have learned so far is ...I have a loose chamber, and a long throat. All my loads seem to shoot about an 1". Not bad but not what I'm looking for.
I'll quit here so my thread doesn't take up to many pages lol. Any help would be great!