I tried to find an article that I read years ago about gas tube pressures. But don't quote me on actual testing. I had a couple of friends with 16 inch Wylde barrels and carbine length gas tubes. When they opened them up to clean them after lots of rounds their buffer tube weights were beat to crud. Mine on the other hand were 18 inch with rifle length gas tubes and I built my rifles with full auto heavy BCG's. Quality nickle boron or chrome.... I also bought barrels with a smaller gas hole. Like .072 VS maybe a .085 or something.
The article ran pressure tests. So lets say that you have a 55,000 psi load starting out. The carbine tube experienced 33,000 psi, the mid length gas tube was down to 22,000 psi and the rifle length gas tube was clear down to 14,000 with the given powder like H335 and a 55 grain bullet. The bleed off is terrific in short gas tubes and that is how they got data that shows the bullet velocity actually drops in an AR platform once the barrel starts getting out to 20 inches.
You want to make builds with rifle length or even longer like my 308 ar-10s. Run a heavy Bolt CGroup and then use light weight buffer tube springs and buffer weights.
Then use the slowest practical powder. That is why I went to h414 clear out to Hybird 100v in heavy pills with longer barrels. Then along came AR-comp and 2000 mr To me instead of having a barrel burner that is hard on primer pockets why not download slower powder in longer barrels with less twist rate
The article ran pressure tests. So lets say that you have a 55,000 psi load starting out. The carbine tube experienced 33,000 psi, the mid length gas tube was down to 22,000 psi and the rifle length gas tube was clear down to 14,000 with the given powder like H335 and a 55 grain bullet. The bleed off is terrific in short gas tubes and that is how they got data that shows the bullet velocity actually drops in an AR platform once the barrel starts getting out to 20 inches.
You want to make builds with rifle length or even longer like my 308 ar-10s. Run a heavy Bolt CGroup and then use light weight buffer tube springs and buffer weights.
Then use the slowest practical powder. That is why I went to h414 clear out to Hybird 100v in heavy pills with longer barrels. Then along came AR-comp and 2000 mr To me instead of having a barrel burner that is hard on primer pockets why not download slower powder in longer barrels with less twist rate