460 Weatherby - Old Barnes Bullet Load Data

Thanks! I found some load data on Hornady RN 500 grain that appears to be very similar so I think that's a good starting point. I'll let you know how it goes--I'm targeting 2450 muzzle velocity for 500 grain Cutting Edge Safari Solids for hunting Ele this fall and these Barnes RNs will be for practice and to just use them up.

Cutting Edge .458, 500 grain, Safari Solid

I had to chuckle when 'plinking' was mentioned.

My favorite plinking rifle is a .510 Wells Express which is made by necking up the .460 Weatherby to take .510 bullets. Practicing could be a little debilitating when use full house hunting loads, not to mention expensive. I use the Woodleigh 440 grain SN which ostensibly is a 'black powder' bullet. Moderate amounts of powder made this a reasonably pleasant day at the range or just plain fun shooting up some rocks on the desert. When chasing T-Rex across the desert I usually load the Hornady DGS 570 grain for some deeper penetration...

I had a 450 Dakota for a while. It’s the twin of the 460 wby. Same load data. Shot a few Buffalo with it. Sold it.

In no universe would I plink anything with that gun!

Have fun!