450 Bushmaster Hunting ammo?

Anyone tried to reload with the 275 Barnes yet?
I wish they weren't so $$ as a component. But, it looks like as loaded ammo it won't be cheap either.

I've loaded the 275s and they are quite accurate. 2 issues though. 1 they are slow 2100 ish and 2, a bunch more recoil. IMO - there is no need to shoot anything heavier than 250 grains. if hammer bullets would make a 210-220 gr bullet, I'd be all over it. 200 xpb shot fast, but not as accurately - like sub 1.5 moa.
Im nervous about reloading for it...I know how to do the common rifle calibers, but I think this uses a crimp.
Actually no. It headspaces on the case mouth like a pistol round. If you crimp it you'll have problems. It's just one extra step to slightly flare the mouth to seat the bullet. The seater will do the rest.
Actually no. It headspaces on the case mouth like a pistol round. If you crimp it you'll have problems. It's just one extra step to slightly flare the mouth to seat the bullet. The seater will do the rest.

you still taper crimp the loads to reduce the flaring of the mouth and get a consistent release. Taper crimping has no effect on length. Roll crimping will cause the problem you mentioned.
I just killed a doe using the Barnes 275gr XTP bullets. I was so excited to see what they do because I have color blindness and don't see blood very well. I was pretty disappointed on blood trail compared to the Hornady ammunition (the only other deer I have taken with the BM). I am guessing it didn't open up fast enough. I didn't matter because she only went 50 yards. That kind of surprised me too given shot placement. I'm keeping these rounds for my Michigan bear hunt. I have a feeling these were meant for bigger game like bears.


  • 450 Bushmaster 275 gr Barnes XTP.jpg
    450 Bushmaster 275 gr Barnes XTP.jpg
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I just killed a doe using the Barnes 275gr XTP bullets. I was so excited to see what they do because I have color blindness and don't see blood very well. I was pretty disappointed on blood trail compared to the Hornady ammunition (the only other deer I have taken with the BM). I am guessing it didn't open up fast enough. I didn't matter because she only went 50 yards. That kind of surprised me too given shot placement. I'm keeping these rounds for my Michigan bear hunt. I have a feeling these were meant for bigger game like bears.

You should try the 250 gr Maker Bullet, if you reload. They open very well. Very impressed with this bullet and I've tried many.
Just remembered, Maker has loaded ammo too.
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