4-16 or 6-24x50

Anyone compare the Zeiss Conquest scopes to the Vortex PST? There about the same price.

I have both. As far as glass goes, it's Ferrari vs Yugo; Zeiss all week long & twice on Sunday. The PST does have a zero stop (kinda) which is nice & illumination (if you ever use it). The knobs on the PST are better for a dude that dials (my Conquest does not have target knobs).

I own a 4.5-14x44mm Zeiss Conquest with their target turrets. Mil-dot reticle. But I don't own a Vortex PST. The Conquest glass is good, and turret tracking repeatable and consistent so far. A lot of scope for the money. Well, I should qualify that by saying I don't know what they cost now. I bought mine about 5 years ago for about $600.

I own three (3) Sightron SIIIs, and the glass in the Sightron SIIIs is slightly better in light gathering and resolution, in the direct comparison testing I've performed. My SIIIs are a 6-24x50mm model, with a slightly larger objective (50mm versus 44mm on the Zeiss Conquest). I thoroughly compared the scopes with both set on 14X at 300 yds in both good light and in failing light. There was a noticeable, but not substantial, difference in the quality of the glass. The glass quality in both scopes is pretty good though.
How would the Zeiss4.5-14 perform out to1k is the 14 power enough? I just ran into one on clearance for $745.00
I am in the same boat right now for a new scope. I am debating on which range to get. I would like to hear about the other scopes avail in this price range
How would the Zeiss4.5-14 perform out to1k is the 14 power enough? I just ran into one on clearance for $745.00

Personally, I'd snag it. There are a lot of folks successfully shooting @ 1000 w/ a 10x scope. With the glass on the Zeiss, 14x hasn't bothered me much. YMMV.

If you are just shooting silhouettes or gongs and such 10X will be plenty. If you are shooting for bullseye I'd lean towards the 6-24x, my 308 wears a Horus Hawk (discontinued now) 3-12x50 and I've rang steel gongs and half man silhouettes at 1k with boring regularity. I have to use a spotting scope to see exact shot placement but, 16x will be plenty for general use and having a low end of 4x will come in handy especially if you need to make any close shots. I usually practice with half man targets about 400yd on 6x or less just to increase the difficulty of practice.
Keep us updated,
I just saw the new Nightforce SHV 4-14x56. Has anyone tried this scope out, or had the chance to put there hands on one. It's still in the price range I'm looking for.
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