I have predominantly used the 270 grain TSX and the 260 gr Accubond on brown and black bears.
With the higher B.C. of the 260 Accubond and with the right propellant (RL17) you can reach velocities of 2950+. This makes it viable for longer ranges and turns your 375 Ruger into a 600 yard elk smasher.
That 270 TSX is a great bullet terminally, but the B.C. sucks. One might argue that your not shooting a 375 for longer range so who cares about the low B.C. I'll argue that the 375 Ruger is excellent for medium range work with the right equipment.
I have shot quite a few heavy boned critters with a 260 Accubond, and I have never had an instance of screwy bullet performance. Likewise with the 270 TSX. I shot a very large moose a couple years ago at 450 yards with the 260 Accubond and penetration was not an issue, I have also shot bears at ranges as close 75 yards that saw full penetration from an Accubond.
For close range bears and such, the TSX is my "go to" bullet. For moose and other animals that may require the use of the 375 at longer ranges I pick the Accubond. I have great loads for both bullets.