As I heard the story, some fish cops or some one came across some fellas plunking elk from the next mountain over. The just happened to be using a 50 BMG cartridge.
My opinion is that there was only problem was that the fellas were successful in harvesting elk from way over there........ I suppose that would be unethical to some, most probably the fish cops who think they own the herds and figger a fella otta spend many days traipsing around attempting to cross paths with an elk or other critter.
As Dan said the easiest way to limit this kind of hunting is to eliminate the 50 BMG cartridge use by reducing the weight limit to 16 lbs.
An under 16# 338 or 375 AM/Snipe Tac/Chey Tac isn't that hard to build and they are very effective LRH rifles.
This limit applies only to "big game" as I understand it.
Big game in Idaho includes Deer, Elk, Antelope, Mtn Goats, Sheep, Mtn Lion and wolf. Not sure if the list is complete but its close.
LRH is kept pretty quiet while out in the bushes. If anyone asks "whats under that camo", I just say "my rifle" and it ends there.
Some of my ambush spots are on old logging roads and strollers come by. The rifle is always under the snow/rain shield or in the bivvy.
Conversations are about the optics, long lens on the camera or anything but the rifle.