34a Arizona Rifle Rut Hunt Starts Tomorow

I've never been to that part of the country and with no experience with Coues I would have drilled that first buck if I had the chance. Thanks for sharing your hunt with us.
Congrats on a great buck. I think you made the right call. I like the mass. I the first buck would score pretty close 104-105. Couldn't go wrong with either.
Helping a bowhunter today, this guy was close to getting an arrow


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Looks like you're definitely in the bucks! I'm jealous for sure. I drove right by 34a yesterday but just to do some work south of patagonia...
Looks like tons of fun. I grew up hunting that unit but on the other side of the mountain. Well maybe. The Sonoita side, Gardener Canyon area. Lots of good stories good times. That looks alot like Box Canyon area. Nice animals.
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