.338 Yellow Bastard FASTEST 338 Caliber on Planet Earth.


Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2009
Maybe this has been here before, I'm not sure. This .338 seems to be a monster. So what's you thoughts on it..? Do you think this is taking an idea to far? Or not far enough.

YELLOW BASTARD - AKA / BULL ELK or WAPITI (Cervus canadensis)
250 gn Bullet at 3850 FPS, Cartridge Reloadable Indefinitely.
Patent Pend No. 61/422,374.


Kinda reminds me of the 375/50BMG I used years ago. 5300fps with a Barns 250 grain solid.
Fast it was but MOA it was not!
Why not just build a 338-50bmg, or heck a 338-408 Ct imp, you loose a few hundred fps, but you can buy one, with an extra barrel, all your reloading stuff, and a US optics scope on top and be out ahead that the rifle and 10 cartridges will run you.
I shot the 375-50 BMG IMP quite a bit and it was outstanding at long range. I took two manikins out of a jeep at over a mile with two consecutive shots. I think the 338 version would be way to hard on barrels.
Why not just build a 338-50bmg, or heck a 338-408 Ct imp, you loose a few hundred fps, but you can buy one, with an extra barrel, all your reloading stuff, and a US optics scope on top and be out ahead that the rifle and 10 cartridges will run you.

338 AM is the same thing as a 338-408. Another company not far from me make a 338 Extreme based on the same case. 3200fps with 300SMK.

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