338 win mag 250 grain berger

It's odd the difference in performance people are seeing. Guys use the 338 ultra to 1000 plus with this bullet so the win mag you think would be good to 800 or so with the 250 grain berger but the inconsistent performance may have me avoid it
my 338 Win Mag load is 225 Accubond, 71.6 RL17, Fed 210, 13 thousand off lands, mv 2965, 26" 8 twist Broughton barrel.1/4 min groups at 600yds, Devasting on game performance out to 900 yds
My 338w/mag is a1/10 twist Stainless #5 conture 26 inch Douglas bbl ,never played with the Bergers , but shot the 250 Sierra match kings to 2600 fps was very accurate at 400/500 only loaded a box & used RL/19 powder ,225"s much easier to push faster again same powder as above ,210&200 fly nice with Imr 4350 ,easier still , cooked up some Speer 275 semi-sptzers at 2500 with Supreme W780 powder ,shot great what a thumper,& Long bullet,..............,,,,Sierras 250 boatail is a very stought bullet . On that H1,000 powder ? It's to slow for the 250 weight bullet , jmho .cheers .
I had a 338 win built on a TC encore, thus my handle, but I never could reach anywhere near the velocity I expected to. I was getting flat primers and cratering way down on my charge scales. I was able to consistently hold 1 moa but couldn't ever get better with any bullet powder combo. Finally gave up and sold it and another rifle to fund a semi custom build. I think the best I ever got from the 250 Berger was about 2575 over h4350.
Anyone try pushing it with Rl26 ? I saw a post on another site where a guy was getting some impressive numbers with Rl26 under a 250 partition.


I suspect RL-26 would be the ideal powder for 250+ grain bullets in the 338 Win Mag. I had excellent results with it in my 338 Sherman, with both 250 Berger and 285 ELD-M, but was forced to abandon its use because I didn't quite have enough case capacity for RL-26 to burn cleanly.

I expect the 338 Win Mag would have enough additional case capacity to burn cleanly, while delivering its characteristic high velocity, low ES/SD, and tack driving accuracy.
Anyone try pushing it with Rl26 ? I saw a post on another site where a guy was getting some impressive numbers with Rl26 under a 250 partition.


Not a 250 Berger but I am getting over 2,800 with both Reloder 23 and 26 and 250 Swift A-Frames. I believe the 250 A-Frames have pretty long bearing surfaces so I'm not sure how comparable they would be to the Berger's with the exception of the weight. Using Bertram Brass and it seems to be standing up to the pressure quite well.
Just picked up a 338 win mag and have some 213 grain hammers coming for. Thought I might try the 250 grain bergers in it too. Any of you have any loads that have worked for you with the 250 grain bergers?

Any updates available here? I'm on a similar train of thought (250 Bergers or Hammers), maybe a little heavier Hammers though...
tried them several years ago, couldn't get over 2650 in a 26" in a 26", and that gun pushes 225 sst at 3000. My go to in a lr bullet for the win msg was the 250 gameking. Kills really well at 2800+.
I forget the load I had worked up but I had trouble finding anything the I liked .I found some W760 in the cabinet.Both the 250 and 300 liked it. The 250 held MOA out to 300 yards At 400 they still grouped ok ,but they dropped fast
i am using 250gr berger,atlas brass,remington action, and a 26 inch hart barrel 10 twist. i have used h 1000, h4831, imr7828, rl 25 . and imr4350. 91 grains of rl25 at 3015 fps appears to be best with 25th jump producing sub half inch groups.
i am using 250gr berger,atlas brass,remington action, and a 26 inch hart barrel 10 twist. i have used h 1000, h4831, imr7828, rl 25 . and imr4350. 91 grains of rl25 at 3015 fps appears to be best with 25th jump producing sub half inch groups.
In a Win Mag?????
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