250g Berger hunting bullet in 338 win mag

If you are not seeing any pressure signs. Keep working the load up in tenth or two tenths increments. Check for pressure signs and your accuracy as you increase the powder charge. One thing you want to keep in mind. What you want for velocity and what your rifle LIKES are often two different things. Accuracy is always king . Run your data on our BALLISTICS CALCULATOR found under the BALLISTICS tab on the BERGER BULLET website to see whats up with the load you have now. You want at least 1800 feet per second and 1100 foot pounds of force at the furthest range you will be shooting out too.

I am hoping to get up to 2700-2800 out of this rifle. It has a 26" barrel with an integral brake. My smith told me I would get full powder burn in a 24" so I was under the impression that I could maximize the potential of this round. I've seen lots of guys getting 2700+ out of the 338 win. I was told 1600 fps was the min velocity I need and using that number got me to 1000 with a 2700 mv. I guess I'll just keep on testing. Thanks
I am hoping to get up to 2700-2800 out of this rifle. It has a 26" barrel with an integral brake. My smith told me I would get full powder burn in a 24" so I was under the impression that I could maximize the potential of this round. I've seen lots of guys getting 2700+ out of the 338 win. I was told 1600 fps was the min velocity I need and using that number got me to 1000 with a 2700 mv. I guess I'll just keep on testing. Thanks
Go to the RELOADING tab on our website too. We have our 338 load information there. Click on the cartridge then click on the bullet weight on the page that comes up. Should have told you that before but only had 1 cup of coffee in me. Check out the powders listed on a a burn rate chart . These can be found on powder manufacturer sites on the web. Try using the slowest powder first and then go up from there if you cant get the job done with the powder you are using now. BUT finish testing what you have ! Key to this whole process is ONLY CHANGING ONE THING AT A TIME AND KEEPING GOOD NOTES ! Good luck and let us know if we can be of any more help.
Merry Christmas!
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