.338 Lapua vs. .338 Edge

Just to clarify for those that don't know, the 338 edge has a capacity of 115-116 depending on what brand case is used. I don't know where 122 came from, but it is wrong.
^^^Yep. The two are very close in case capacity. If building on a Rem 700 I would do a 338 RUM or Edge. If you can go custom or want to build on a Weatherby action I'd go with the Lapua.
Just to clarify for those that don't know, the 338 edge has a capacity of 115-116 depending on what brand case is used. I don't know where 122 came from, but it is wrong.

Referring to grains in H20... And I was wrong... Its 122.5:)

Parent case .300 Remington Ultra Magnum/.404 Jeffery
Case type Rimless, bottleneck
Bullet diameter .338 in (8.6 mm)
Neck diameter .371 in (9.4 mm)
Shoulder diameter .525 in (13.3 mm)
Base diameter .550 in (14.0 mm)
Rim diameter .534 in (13.6 mm)
Case length 2.850 in (72.4 mm)
Overall length 3.600 in (91.4 mm)
Case capacity 122.5 gr H2O (7.94 cm3)
Primer type Large rifle magnum


Parent case .416 Rigby, .338/416
Case type Rimless, bottleneck
Bullet diameter 8.58 mm (0.338 in)
Neck diameter 9.46 mm (0.372 in)
Shoulder diameter 13.82 mm (0.544 in)
Base diameter 14.91 mm (0.587 in)
Rim diameter 14.93 mm (0.588 in)
Rim thickness 1.52 mm (0.060 in)
Case length 69.20 mm (2.724 in)
Overall length 93.50 mm (3.681 in)
Case capacity 7.40 cm3 (114.2 gr H2O)
Rifling twist 254 mm (1-10")
Primer type Large rifle magnum
Maximum pressure 420.00 MPa (60,916 psi)
I know where that number came from, but that doesn't really matter. It is not correct. Franklin is correct.

Maybe I could edit it to say 123.5 and really make you feel good.

Referring to grains in H20... And I was wrong... Its 122.5:)

Parent case .300 Remington Ultra Magnum/.404 Jeffery
Case type Rimless, bottleneck
Bullet diameter .338 in (8.6 mm)
Neck diameter .371 in (9.4 mm)
Shoulder diameter .525 in (13.3 mm)
Base diameter .550 in (14.0 mm)
Rim diameter .534 in (13.6 mm)
Case length 2.850 in (72.4 mm)
Overall length 3.600 in (91.4 mm)
Case capacity 122.5 gr H2O (7.94 cm3)
Primer type Large rifle magnum


Parent case .416 Rigby, .338/416
Case type Rimless, bottleneck
Bullet diameter 8.58 mm (0.338 in)
Neck diameter 9.46 mm (0.372 in)
Shoulder diameter 13.82 mm (0.544 in)
Base diameter 14.91 mm (0.587 in)
Rim diameter 14.93 mm (0.588 in)
Rim thickness 1.52 mm (0.060 in)
Case length 69.20 mm (2.724 in)
Overall length 93.50 mm (3.681 in)
Case capacity 7.40 cm3 (114.2 gr H2O)
Rifling twist 254 mm (1-10")
Primer type Large rifle magnum
Maximum pressure 420.00 MPa (60,916 psi)
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