338 build.


I will throw this out there. 338 RBH (338 NM AI) 10 lbs. as pictured hunt ready. 300 grain Bergers @ 2850 fps. I use the 260 Hammer Hunters @ 3000 fps. Use Peterson 338 NM brass for the head stamp. It's about indestructible brass!!
Don't know if your dead set on the rum case or not.
Having a few 338's over the years this one is a favorite for me.
I've also looked at it but I honestly just like the rum. Maybe some that run faster but I've got brass I've collected over the past year from a friends rifle I was setting up and getting dope on
My only advise is to NOT make the mistake that I made on my edge build and no matter which stock you chose opt for the adjustable cheek riser option. I didn't and have regretted ever since. Long range shooting requires consistant eye relief/placement and having an adjustable check piece makes that much much easier. Just my opinion having learned the hard way, spend a little more now or whine later (like me LOL).
Getting ready to start gathering parts for my 338 build. More than likely a RUM. Any recommendations would be great appreciated. Action brand?
Barrel material? Carbon or SS
Stock: manners no dbm
Take a look at Archangel stocks...darn good price and nice! Also fluted SS barrel... Krieger or Bartlein my first choice! Just me
My only advise is to NOT make the mistake that I made on my edge build and no matter which stock you chose opt for the adjustable cheek riser option. I didn't and have regretted ever since. Long range shooting requires consistant eye relief/placement and having an adjustable check piece makes that much much easier. Just my opinion having learned the hard way, spend a little more now or whine later (like me LOL).
This wasnt a big deal for me out to 2100 yards but when I put the 200 min .adj.base on I had to max out my B&C a5 adj.stock .
Rum Man


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Take your pic. I like Curtis actions if you are going custom. He is super nice and easy to work with. Below is my 338 RUM and a present custom build which will be on a Sako M995 action. The RUM is a trued rem 700 with a 27" Bartlein barrel w tactical bolt, wyatts box, timney trigger, APA FB gen 3 break, HS percision stock, and barrel wrap. Meredith Rifles did the trigger, Wyatt box and action work and will build the next one. If you can find them the Sako M995 is a great action to build on. Tooder Meredith does great work. He will build whatever you want. At present I think he is using Defiant actions and brux barrels. I like Kreiger barrels as well. They have always served me well and been extremely accurate.
I would do a Curtis Helix or Sako M995 action with a Krieger or Bartlein barrel finished out at 27-30 inches fluted and threaded. Add a Timney Calvin Elite trigger and a Mcmillian A5 with a Wyatts box and bottom metal and it would be hard to beat. That is essentially what I am building on the Sako action in a 375/338 AI.


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Getting ready to start gathering parts for my 338 build. More than likely a RUM. Any recommendations would be great appreciated. Action brand?
Barrel material? Carbon or SS
Stock: manners no dbm
I did a custom build in 338-378 Weatherby with 30" proof research barrel on Defiance Rebel action
Shooting 300SMK at 3065 fps and 1/4" groups at 100 yards
In my experience my Smith trued the bolt face and lapped the lugs and they have been shooting great .
Some will disagree but that's fine . I went with my Smith's recommendation.
I cant tell you how many targets , videos ect I took back to him and showed him .
He just smiled everytime !
Sometimes in Life ..less is more !
I'm going to do another 338 soon . This one will be on a Remington also .

Rum Man
Yep, it really is that simple.
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