338 build.

Titanium actions suck if the manufacturer doesn't have them figured out. Saying all Ti actions suck because you had a bad one isn't right. Pierce has Ti actions figured out. They've been working on them and continually improving them over time. I handle them all day long and I can tell you the Ti actions we make are just as slick and smooth and feed just as well as a chrome moly or stainless action. Our long action Ti action with steel bolt weighs around 20oz and the same action but with our Ti bolt is closer to 16-17oz. No steel action will ever be that light and do it safely. Titanium actions when manufactured and designed correctly make the ultimate light weight hunting actions.
Purpose for the build is just because I want one. I'm just as likely to take it on a back pack hunt as I am shoot targets. I'm not incredibly concerned with bullet weight. Probably look to Berger's in 250-300 area though as I already have a 300 rum shooting 210s. And although I hear good things about the edge I don't see enough advantage to going that route. I only use correct headstamp brass as well...just a pet peeve.

I curious as to what you didn't like about the TI action?
Im leaning more towards the carbon route day by day I think. I'm a sucker for a nice fluted barrel though. All of the carbons seem to be pretty equal as far as accuracy goes.
As far as price I don't think I have one. Don't want to spend a fortune but buy once cry once. I'm not completely sold on custom actions either. I understand the probability of it helping accuracy is greater but so many other things account for that as well.
I appreciate all of the input
Carbon barrels are really nice and really popular right now. They can be finicky though and in my opinion Proof would be the only carbon wrapped barrel I'd go with. I prefer fluted steel barrels though. A custom action isn't a requirement and I have three very accurate rifles with Remington 700 actions. For a budget build, I recommend a Remington 700 all day everyday. There's a huge aftermarket and any good smith is familiar with them.
I curious as to what you didn't like about the TI action?
You'll have heavy bolt lift with titanium at lower pressure than steel.
Its not a factor of who builds the action, titanium stretches 3x more than steel.
I had random pressure signs with my Ti action with relatively mild loads.
Some of the highly renowned gunsmiths ( R bros for one) won't even build on titanium actions.
Steel is tougher period
There are always alot of 338's for sale here in the classifieds.Many with low round counts and targets to prove accuracy,built buy top smiths with custom actions.No wait and less cost.This site has probably thousands of 338 builds would be my guess. I know at least 7 guys local with just the 338 NM,dozens more with any 338 variation.You can build light steel 338,Cody on here did
Purpose for the build is just because I want one. I'm just as likely to take it on a back pack hunt as I am shoot targets. I'm not incredibly concerned with bullet weight. Probably look to Berger's in 250-300 area though as I already have a 300 rum shooting 210s. And although I hear good things about the edge I don't see enough advantage to going that route. I only use correct headstamp brass as well...just a pet peeve.

ADG makes 338 Edge brass and there maybe be others. The point was that if brass became difficult to find, you have 2 ways to source brass with the Edge. 338 Rum brass was near unobtainium a couple years ago. Yet 300 rum brass was still available.

I opted for a CF because it provides nearly all the stiffness of a thicker barrel, without the weight. The balance is much better with a CF barrel IMO.

The guys at Pierce Engineering did all the work on my gun and can recommend them without reservation. I used a 700 rum action and after all the work done to it (trued action, m16 extractor, opening the ejection port, mill for the Wyatt's mag extension), I'm not sure it was worth it from a $$$ perspective.
Hells Canyon makes a great CF barrel of you're looking for options.

My gun shoots consistently .5MOA groups with 300 Berger's/Accubond + 260 hammer bullets. I'm using the 260 hammer because its running at 3K and has a bit less recoil. If you're going to hunt with the gun at less than 700 yards, the 300 grain bullets really don't have an advantage.
Ok I was trying to stay out of this because I always jump in on the 338 Stuff .
But after putting 6 of them together I have some time with both the 338 Rum and the 338 Edge . They have been from 100 yards to 3027 yards. Most of them with the old Remington action.

From the sounds of your post I would jump on the 338 Rum .
I built two almost the same in 338 Rum and 338 Edge . Both with 30 " carbons , remington actions, timney triggers .
Both shot the 300 gr. Berger Elite hunters almost Identical. 2883 and 2884 ft.per.sec with H-1000. Both were 10.6 pounds with scopes ready to shoot .
If you were starting fresh with no components I would hands down build the 338 Rum . Just my opinion.
Not a single 338 I put together has a 4" box . I got them shooting so good I feel it's a waste of time and money . Again my opinion. If you spend the time behind your rifle it's not needed .
Here is the two 338's .

Rum Man


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Ok I was trying to stay out of this because I always jump in on the 338 Stuff .
But after putting 6 of them together I have some time with both the 338 Rum and the 338 Edge . They have been from 100 yards to 3027 yards. Most of them with the old Remington action.

From the sounds of your post I would jump on the 338 Rum .
I built two almost the same in 338 Rum and 338 Edge . Both with 30 " carbons , remington actions, timney triggers .
Both shot the 300 gr. Berger Elite hunters almost Identical. 2883 and 2884 ft.per.sec with H-1000. Both were 10.6 pounds with scopes ready to shoot .
If you were starting fresh with no components I would hands down build the 338 Rum . Just my opinion.
Not a single 338 I put together has a 4" box . I got them shooting so good I feel it's a waste of time and money . Again my opinion. If you spend the time behind your rifle it's not needed .
Here is the two 338's .

Rum Man
I have done a lot of reading of your other post and that's honestly how I got to the 338rum
In my experience my Smith trued the bolt face and lapped the lugs and they have been shooting great .
Some will disagree but that's fine . I went with my Smith's recommendation.
I cant tell you how many targets , videos ect I took back to him and showed him .
He just smiled everytime !
Sometimes in Life ..less is more !
I'm going to do another 338 soon . This one will be on a Remington also .

Rum Man
So you think custom action vs having a std 700 reworked is the way to go from a money perspective?
Yes, if they have a larger election port and are compatible with the Wyatt's box extension. I run mine at 4" COAL, which is the only way to take advantage of the edge and run it as a repeater. I run the same speeds as rum man with a 4" shorter barrel. That's a big deal when dragging a gun through the woods.
The gunwerks grb action would be a strong contender if I did this build again.
I'm not going lie the Customs look Amazing !

I believe if you do your part with loading and time behind the trigger things will come together!
I'm a old Carpenter , no training in shooting or loading but managed to push my passion to some extended distance !
If things stay good with Heart I'm going to try 2 miles this Spring !
Excited to see what you put together !!

Rum Man
I'm not going lie the Customs look Amazing !

I believe if you do your part with loading and time behind the trigger things will come together!
I'm a old Carpenter , no training in shooting or loading but managed to push my passion to some extended distance !
If things stay good with Heart I'm going to try 2 miles this Spring !
Excited to see what you put together !!

Rum Man
I'm a builder as well so that is where I get the passion in making my loads as good as possible. I got my wife a little ruger American in 300 blk. With the amount of time I put in making me reloads perfect it's a one hole gun with nothing done. I personally believe most any gun can shoot 1/2 or better, loading ability and shooting ability have a lot to do with it
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