.338 Allen Mag 943 yds


Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2009
Was checking my zero at hundred yards a few days ago and went ahead and shot a 3 shot group that turned out to be 3 or 4 inches, not exactly sure of the size i didn't measure it. This was strange because it usually one holes at 100 with the bergers. so this morning I took it out to 943 yards to see how it would group there and here is what i found.

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The first image was a 2 shot group that went 6.5" vertical. My elevation was dead on but I was 2.5 MOA left of my target center due to the wind picking up.
Also i was in the truck bed and could tell the wind was moving me around slightly.

For the next group that you see in the images below I got on the ground to get more solid. Sent two shots down range, went to check and was very impressed, especially since there was a 15mph crosswind. The group went about 1/2" vertical.

Yes I know they are only two shot groups, but I would rather save my ammo for the extended ranges.

I'm still not sure what was going on at 100 yds though?
how many groups did you shoot at 100? using the berger? did you shoot another 100 yd. group after shooting the 950 range?

those bullets dont settle down at 100.. but it still shouldnt be 3 or 4 inches...
Scope issue maybe??

That's what I was thinking. Possibly in the mount somewhere.

how many groups did you shoot at 100? using the berger? did you shoot another 100 yd. group after shooting the 950 range?

those bullets dont settle down at 100.. but it still shouldnt be 3 or 4 inches...

Only one, I know not much evidence to prove or disprove anything but with this ammo I really don't like shooting a lot at 100 yds. Regardless to ease my mind I would have liked to shoot again at 100 yds this morning but ran out of time. I'm leaving for a month to go to work tomorrow so it will have to wait a while. But long as it keeps doing well at long range I won't worry to much.
Was checking my zero at hundred yards a few days ago and went ahead and shot a 3 shot group that turned out to be 3 or 4 inches, not exactly sure of the size i didn't measure it. This was strange because it usually one holes at 100 with the bergers. so this morning I took it out to 943 yards to see how it would group there and here is what i found.

View attachment 21960

The first image was a 2 shot group that went 6.5" vertical. My elevation was dead on but I was 2.5 MOA left of my target center due to the wind picking up.
Also i was in the truck bed and could tell the wind was moving me around slightly.

For the next group that you see in the images below I got on the ground to get more solid. Sent two shots down range, went to check and was very impressed, especially since there was a 15mph crosswind. The group went about 1/2" vertical.

Yes I know they are only two shot groups, but I would rather save my ammo for the extended ranges.

I'm still not sure what was going on at 100 yds though?
I'm not an expert on measuring, but that looks alot more than 6.5" to me......That looks around 12-14". Just going off of cartridge length, which is nearing 4+", and scaling it with about 3-3.5 cartridges inbetween those 2 loaded rounds, would be around the 12-14" mark...

Seriously, I'm not trying to correct you, or be a smartass, just wondering, based on how it looks from my end.
I'm not an expert on measuring, but that looks alot more than 6.5" to me......That looks around 12-14". Just going off of cartridge length, which is nearing 4+", and scaling it with about 3-3.5 cartridges inbetween those 2 loaded rounds, would be around the 12-14" mark...

Seriously, I'm not trying to correct you, or be a smartass, just wondering, based on how it looks from my end.

It appears that way beacause the hill I'm shooting on is extremely steep. When I took the pics I gues I was slightly below the shots with my camera angled up.
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