I am a fan of both, but let's face it, a 30 creates a biggerhole and probably causes the same secondary cavitation as the 6.5. I always wanted a 308 BAR for hunting pigs, but when I came across a super deal on a custom BAR in 270 I was concerned that it wasn't as fat as the 308 of my youth. LoL, a 270 drills pigs DRT at the OP's specified ranges with Barnes so my initial concerns were nullified.
I know a hunting guide who, when the Rem 260 was first being seen on hunts, told me his experiences were that they didn't have the same stopping power on wild pigs as the 270, 308, 06, etc. Maybe that changed over time, haven't spoken to him in some years. Just passing on what he said, not agreeing or disagreeing. He shoots a 270 exclusively.