I'm in the process for developing a .308 load using the new IMR 8208 and the 110 VMAX for my AR10T. Speeds run from 3000 to around 3300 fps, and the bc is similar to that of most .22 cal varmint bullets. I expect the ballistics to be similar to shooting a .223 running a 55-60 VMAX, something that we are all pretty familiar with. I expect the impacts on game to be rather impressive as well. I'll post target pics later. Okay, pics added on the next two posts. Should be self explanatory. I have a few more rounds to shoot again, as the loads I shot at these targets, the bullet was into the lands around.005". I randomly chose the seating depth, and did not realize this. I think around 48.0 is a good spot. This was all at 100 yards.