308 enough for brown/polar bear?

Very true, I have seen the same thing, only caveat is I have seen every duck gun I have hunted with or around fail to fire or get a jammed shell that won't extract at some point pumps just as often as semiautomatic. Only failure my browning has had was bad ammo-probably got wet. I have even short stroked my ol 870.
I have had more failures in my 870 than my stoeger m3k. The 870 Will occasionally decide it doesn't want to eject, period, and the only recourse is to spike it into the ground. Meaning, grab the slide with both hands and slam the shotgun butt first, barrel straight up, on the ground. That will break it loose and eject the shell. No clue why this happens. My stoeger has only jammed when I've put low quality ammo in it. I wouldn't trust either for a dangerous game backup though. If you don't hold an inertia shotgun tight to your shoulder it will short stroke, and that's a major problem if you're in a defensive situation
I would be interested, if you try them, to know how well they shoot. He switched to Speer and we lost touch with each other.
I loaded up heavily on the speers, so unless I stumble across someone willing to send me 10 interlocks for testing purposes I probably won't have to buy bullets for this gun for a while. Unless of course terminal performance in the speers is sub par. Then I may resume the search. I do have 260 accubonds that shoot well, albeit a bit slow, so those are a solid second choice for me.