300wsm & 215 Berger hybrids

How do the 200.20x's perform on game? I know the 215's got a good track record of making critters dead but haven't seen much on the 200.20x.
No idea yet? Reading some reviews and it sounds like any of their target bullets, works fine for hunting. Hopefully a big WY mulie will tell me how they work this September!
I just had one put together with .225 free bore. Sent my smith 2 dummy rounds and he cut it to match. I'm pretty sure he used a zero freebore reamer and a long throater to finish it out but I could be wrong about that. 2.410 ogive to case head. 2866 fps average with a sd of 6 out of a 28" Bartlien HV with 68gr H4831sc and CCI 200 primer. Don't know if any of this helps.
The 300 WSM is dominating the 1000 yard BR game. There is many 10 shot groups in the 4 and 5 inch range. The 300 Win disappeared and for good reason. It wouldn't shoot as good and was a lot harder to tune. I will take the 100 fps loss to have the accuracy. I build all my hunting guns on single shot Bat M's so have plenty of room and throat .210 length. I would throat out a little more for the 215. The 215 Berger is a good bullet and so is the 210 VLD hunting.
6 pts & September hunt. Must of put in for a G tag?

Eh I wish. Looking at last year I think you need 8 to get G. We put in for H (minimum draw for 100% last year was 4 points). Wasting a few points but I haven't hunted in WY for a few years and I am gambling work will let me off this year. Usually we hunt around Tin Sleep in October so a sept hunt will be interesting.
I just had one put together with .225 free bore. Sent my smith 2 dummy rounds and he cut it to match. I'm pretty sure he used a zero freebore reamer and a long throater to finish it out but I could be wrong about that. 2.410 ogive to case head. 2866 fps average with a sd of 6 out of a 28" Bartlien HV with 68gr H4831sc and CCI 200 primer. Don't know if any of this helps.

Yes, thank you for the info from your posts. Are you running 215's?
Eh I wish. Looking at last year I think you need 8 to get G. We put in for H (minimum draw for 100% last year was 4 points). Wasting a few points but I haven't hunted in WY for a few years and I am gambling work will let me off this year. Usually we hunt around Tin Sleep in October so a sept hunt will be interesting.

You will draw it for sure. Good luck with your hunt & letting one of those 200.20x's eat on a stud buck. My son had that tag last year. I hunted antelope 96 first from a buddy's place in green river & then we went up with him to hunt H on my son's tag. Saw lots of good bucks & my son took a cool 5 that grossed 180 2/8. It was a great trip as I took a 80+" goat as well. Be interested to hear how ya do.
How do the 200.20x's perform on game? I know the 215's got a good track record of making critters dead but haven't seen much on the 200.20x.
Ballistic study and B.C. often makes the difference. The construction of the bullets has not been in question.
Heres a seating depth test from a couple months ago that a customer of mine did at 600 YDS with his 300 wsm Fclass rifle. He's on the US National F Class team. 215 berger with H4350. That's just one of his barrels. He's gotten every barrel to shoot like that.


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Heres a seating depth test from a couple months ago that a customer of mine did at 600 YDS with his 300 wsm Fclass rifle. He's on the US National F Class team. 215 berger with H4350. That's just one of his barrels. He's gotten every barrel to shoot like that.

Very impressive, thanks for the post. I believe this is the combo I will go with.
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