300RUM 230 Berger ladder test

Thanks for the tip...Also think for posting the info on the 230 berger. Its what got me going on the 230's. I was trying the 210 but they were a lot more finicky. With this load on the paper it should out preform the 210VLD's at which I had shooting at 3050fps. Now I just need to take it out to some distance like 1k.gun)

I do have one question to all the posters....How may time does everyone reload your brass on the 300RUM. I think I was on my 6th or 7th reload and had a case separate just slightly. It left a little black mark about 1/2 the way around the case and was tough getting out. First time that happen. So it looks like about 5 time I think may be max on these high pressure cases. Some of the other showed a line around the bottom of the cases. They are probably getting thin as well. Now I have to find me some new brass.:rolleyes:
No problem! Let us know how it goes once you stretch it out...

I'm only on the third firing with my brass but I'm assuming around 5 times and then it will be done....

But maybe it will last longer...who knows!
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