300gn Scenar at 2700 yards

Me, I know exactly what happened that day, I was there for both of them. I'm the one who set up the range...... Initially I was a few yards off with using GPS and Topo maps..... The Vector (yeah, we had some) squared away the 5 yard discrepency for us though. I mean if we shot it at 2701 like I had set up, people might be calling BS.....wait, isn't that what was done?

How's it going mate? Got banned for a year! You must have been a "bad *** mother".

I am finding it difficult to get a definative answer to my question about the terminal performance of the 300 grain Scenar projectile.

As you were there, maybe you could shed some light?
As far as the Senar expanding well at this range, I call BS here again. This bullet has been tested many times on game and nearly every time the results were that this bullet was far inferior to the SMK as far as consistant bullet expansion.... with many bullets bending and tumbling and showing severe deflection as they penetrated a target.

Tumbling bullets are lethal.

I still solidly stand by my comments about the original post of this story, a 338 Lapua will not stay consistant out to anywhere near this range but again my standard of consistant is sub moa. I guess if 3 moa is alright with you, it will certainly do this......

The original issue is not "consistentcy," but whether the British team could have made the hits at 2700. Do you believe the Brit and his spotter are liars, and Later and the folks with him are liars also?
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Do you believe the Brit and his spotter are liars, and Later and the folks with him are liars also?

Get a life. These fabricated allegations about the ability, integrity, honor, and capability of the sniper being challenged or questioned through our discussion of the "report" on the incident has already been hashed to death. Start over at Post #1 and reread this Thread. If when you get back to this post, you still feel the need to ask a question that's been responded to in every conceivable fashion - repetitively - then you should consider getting over it. Don't try to drag Forum members from the high ground down into a sewer of your own creation.

Find a single quote where any Forum member stated "the Brit and his spotter are liars, and Later and the folks with him are liars also". Reference the quote or copy and paste it into a response post. As I've posted previously within this Thread, when you fail to deliver on this challenge, we'll all understand that not only are you out of ammunition - you never even had any to begin with.
Get a life. These fabricated allegations about the ability, integrity, honor, and capability of the sniper being challenged or questioned through our discussion of the "report" on the incident has already been hashed to death. Start over at Post #1 and reread this Thread. If when you get back to this post, you still feel the need to ask a question that's been responded to in every conceivable fashion - repetitively - then you should consider getting over it. Don't try to drag Forum members from the high ground down into a sewer of your own creation.

Find a single quote where any Forum member stated "the Brit and his spotter are liars, and Later and the folks with him are liars also". Reference the quote or copy and paste it into a response post. As I've posted previously within this Thread, when you fail to deliver on this challenge, we'll all understand that not only are you out of ammunition - you never even had any to begin with.

THUD....THUD....THUD....THUD (sound of a dead horse being beaten!!!:rolleyes:)

I did re-read the whole thread and see lots of double speak, especially by FD and you. It's simple question, please feel free to make your position clearly known by answering directly with a yes or no.

Do you believe the Brits made the shots they claimed?
Guys , Guys , come on now. I like others joined this site to learn , there is alot of valuable info coming from alot of people. I always liked the professionalism presented in these forums. You all are throwing each other under the bus now , how about just letting it rest and getting on with something prductive. PLEASE

I did re-read the whole thread and see lots of double speak, especially by FD and you. It's simple question, please feel free to make your position clearly known by answering directly with a yes or no.

Do you believe the Brits made the shots they claimed?

So you've re-read the whole thread and presented no quotes. Liar liar pants on fire. Is that the best you've got??? No ammunition. Just a taunt. A poke in the eye.

If you've really re-read this Thread without personal bias, and really wanted my position clearly known, you'd already know it. You certainly wouldn't ask a leading question and then try to pry out a simple yes or no answer. Asking a question and limiting the response to a yes or no answer is often an effort to prove predetermined conclusions correct. You've been watching too much Perry Mason.

I think liltank knows my position clearly. Ask him? Perhaps he'll tell you what you desire. He's evidently read my position over and over again, but I don't believe he accepts the fact that this "horse" has got nine lives. Every time the horse comes back to life, it's got amnesia, and the false allegations start all over again. Then comes that sickening THUD. He's got that part correct. This horse got no legs. Neither do your allegations, or taunts of liar liar pants on fire.
OK, From reading this thread and many other places and drawing my own conclusions not based upon the predetermined BIAS that Phorwath speaks of this is what I have come up with.

1.. Is the shot possible.... YES
2. is it probable and easily repeatable ... NO
3. Is the bullet dropping into a velocity where accuracy is unpredictable... Probably
4. will the scenars expand at this distance.. yes but once again probably not repeatably
5. Is there lluck involved in these shots... most deffinately

So people are right on both sides of this equation and are arguing just to argue and to prove a point. These are the facts as I have been able to comprehend, however none of us really know what happened out there and all of us are just guessing. Please correct me if I am wrong and fill me in if you have better details.
It is such a simple question. I'll just leave it where it lays with your refusal to answer it.

Have a good day.
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OK, From reading this thread and many other places and drawing my own conclusions not based upon the predetermined BIAS that Phorwath speaks of this is what I have come up with.

1.. Is the shot possible.... YES
2. is it probable and easily repeatable ... NO
3. Is the bullet dropping into a velocity where accuracy is unpredictable... Probably
4. will the scenars expand at this distance.. yes but once again probably not repeatably
5. Is there lluck involved in these shots... most deffinately

So people are right on both sides of this equation and are arguing just to argue and to prove a point. These are the facts as I have been able to comprehend, however none of us really know what happened out there and all of us are just guessing. Please correct me if I am wrong and fill me in if you have better details.

I like your answers!:D

1.. Is the shot possible.... YES
2. is it probable and easily repeatable ... NO
3. Is the bullet dropping into a velocity where accuracy is unpredictable... Probably
4. will the scenars expand at this distance.. yes but once again probably not repeatably
5. Is there lluck involved in these shots... most deffinately

That pretty much sums it up for me...
OK, From reading this thread and many other places and drawing my own conclusions not based upon the predetermined BIAS that Phorwath speaks of this is what I have come up with.

1.. Is the shot possible.... YES
2. is it probable and easily repeatable ... NO
3. Is the bullet dropping into a velocity where accuracy is unpredictable... Probably
4. will the scenars expand at this distance.. yes but once again probably not repeatably
5. Is there lluck involved in these shots... most deffinately

So people are right on both sides of this equation and are arguing just to argue and to prove a point. These are the facts as I have been able to comprehend, however none of us really know what happened out there and all of us are just guessing. Please correct me if I am wrong and fill me in if you have better details.

Man, where were you when I was getting beat up by buffalobob awhile back?


You've pretty much reached my same conclusions. The shot could be made, but could not be made consistently and reliably as most of the factors to do so were well outside the ability to be controlled. Connecting on a shot like this is purely luck and a game of "guess and check". It's not like this was a first shot, one shot kill.
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