300 Win Mag and H1000?

300 win mag 178 A-max 70.0 Imr 4350 3000 fps very accurate in my guns


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I have gotten great accuracy and velocity (3225 ft/sec) when using the 175 Barnes LRX with RL-26 in my 300 WM Before I tried RL-26 I use to use IMR 7828. It to was a good powder with this bullet but not as great a velocity #.
Is the H1000 a powder sufficent for 180 grain bullets.....

I'd say so. I just don't give H1000 its due and hardly ever buy or load/shoot it. Seems I have tried every powder out there for the .300 class of cartridges and the first time I tried H1000 (8/7/2010) I shot a 3-shot group at 100yds that measured .142". This was using the 190gn SMK's, velocity averaged 3078fps, ES was 7.83 and SD was 4.12.
According to Nosler's #8 the load I'm speaking of (79gn) is the max load listed but I wasn't using the #8 in 2010. Either way it was safe in my rifle at that time and I went up to 80.5gn. 79.5gn had better velocity (3112), ES (4.80) and SD (2.64) and accuracy was still .522".
I loaded the rest of the 190's with 79.5gn, shot them at targets, no doubt, but never bought either (190gn SMK / H1000) again? Some new jet fuel rocket powder obviously came along and diverted my attention. In reality though I think I went to a heavier class of bullet (208/210gn). Not sure if Hodgdon has slowed H1000 down since that time.
I say "give it a whirl"! Good luck and be safe.
Nice shooting for all the ones using the Win Mag. Been using "H1000" for some 25+ years. Hunting muley and Elk in the Mt Of Colo. Closes shot, maybe 75'. Longest, close to 800 yards. 79 gr H1000 CCI MAG PRIMERS. AND nosier b.tip. One shot, one kill on all. Almost all were above 8000ft and temp from some 40* to almost 15* below0. **** Cold! Always shot MOK. Min of Kill at all ranges and Temp! 300 WM , Winchester #70. KDF. Break. Shoots like a Dream! Good hunting and Shoot on!
300 win mag is one of my favorite cartridges and I have tried several different powders. I currently load a 180 grn Barnes ttsx with a healthy load of rl26. Single digit sd and 3230 FPS. Consistently shoots sub .5 moa if I do my part.
Safe in my rifle was 79.5 grains of RL-26 over 180 grain Nosler Accubonds. Over 3200 fps and grouped nicely. WW Brass Fed 215GM primers. Now if i could just get some more of that 26.....
Hornady 180 sst 81.5 grain H-1000 Remington long range 26" barrel of my buddy's 3150 fps and fed 215m primers. .5 moa groups to 600 yards that's as far as he has shot it. It had no pressure signs at all.
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