300 RUM oops


Active Member
May 11, 2005
Well I took my hunting partners daughter (14) to the range yesterday. She has a pacmeyer(sp) slip on recoil pad that she always takes with her. She shot a while and went to the ladies room. Well I wanted to squeeze off a few rounds so I did. The first round felt like a .243 I thought OH CR@P that didn't feel right so I put the gun down and backed away for 5 minutes. When I opened the bolt the shell had fired, so I looked down the barrel and it was free from obstruction. So now I am like ***? Jennifer came back and wanted to shoot more and I told her what happened... Then she looked at the rifle and said "Yea it does, thats why i use the slip on recoil pad." I felt REAL stipid right about then.
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