30-378 - whitetail bullet

I shot Sciroccos in my 30-378. Worked fine in the lungs. Been using 190ABLR's in my RUM for whitetails. I would stick with either a bonded bullet or solid copper. Even doing this you need to be very careful and not hit heavy bone under 400 yds. If you mess up and hit heavy bone it will get the bone fragments moving and create a spectacular wound. Similar to shooting a coyote with a varmint bullet with a 25-06, so be warned. If he is within point blank range, center of the lungs only.
The first year I had my accumark I found a good load with 165 gr ballistic tips . Absolutely devastating on whitetail none moved forward other than one big doe did a back flip. I'd definitely stay a heavy for caliber bullet . Even then you'll want to hold back a few inches behind the shoulder in my opinion. I only hunted with mine the one fall and since then it just punches paper and rocks out to 900 yards fairly easy
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