Well-Known Member
What an awesome hunt! Congrats on some fine animals too. That isn't Klawack lake in the background is it?
I love POW! Lisa and I have been there many times for bear and blacktail deer. We usually fly to Ketchikan, take the ferry to Hollis and stay in either Ruthanne's in Craig or Trophy inn in Klowack. The last couple of times we rented a forest service cabin for $25 a night! It slept eight. Last November I treated Lisa, my two daughters and son to a hunt on POW and I payed less than $6000 for flights, food, ferry, car rental, cabin, four tags and two bottles of Crown Royal. Ya got ta love POW!
No that is the ocean in the background as we hunted the tidal flats mostly. k
Klawook lake is surrounded by native land.
We leave those areas alone to lessen the troubles that can arise if one hunts their land.