280AI, N560, and 175 Elite Hunter data

The Oregonian

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2012
Missoula, Montana
I want to try the 175EH in my 280AI but I don't see any load data published for this combo.

I have done work with the 168 VLD's and I start to get pressure around 61.6. Nosler has load data for the 168's at 56-60 gr. Based on that info, what do folks think is a safe starting load for the 175's?


The Hornady manual has data for their 175 grains but sounds signifigantly lower than what you're looking at.

Max load:

IMR 4350: 51.7Gr
RL-19: 54.8 Gr
IMR7828: 69.9gr

They don't have N560 poweder though. So not sure.
58g Reloader 23- 175 berger elite hunters
58-59g H4831sc - 175 berger elite hunters
Both are about 2900-2950 fps in 26" proof research 1-8 twist
59.5g rl 26 - berger 180 hybrids bug holes 2850 fps
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