Of course we want updates, or at least I do! Love this experimental stuff. I'm amazed to see Barnes load data showed the old school original 180 going over 2700 with rl 22. But I believe it. My experience with rl 22 and these 180 woodleigh was that, as has been stated, rl 25 was better, rl 22 didn't beat 7828 for me. But, though they weigh the same, they are not at all. The 180 woodleigh is much longer and has a much much thicker jacket. This I suspect is why it prefers slower powder than the Barnes original, it weighs the same but will spike way harder, offers a lot more resistance to engraving. It has been said you need a better shooting rest. I partly disagree, but only this regard: if you're shooting better groups with other loads from the same shooting rest, it still tells you something meaningful about comparative accuracy. All groups could be tighter from a bench rest no doubt, but if you're consistently shooting 2 inch groups off the hood of a truck with one load and struggling to get 4 with another, you can say for sure the first is more accurate and the other needs work.