260 Long or Short


Well-Known Member
Dec 29, 2010
Draper, Urah
Looking to build a 260 Rem with bdl bottom metal. I have heard that some say a 700 short action is too small. Has anyone had problems with running VLDs with this setup? Is a long action needed.
Looking to build a 260 Rem with bdl bottom metal. I have heard that some say a 700 short action is too small. Has anyone had problems with running VLDs with this setup? Is a long action needed.
If you want to mag load a 260 shooting VLD or A-Max at their best ability, Long Action.

Skip the .260 Rem. and go with the modern improved factory version, the 6.5 Creedmoor. Then stay with the short action and enjoy either factory loads or do the reloading yourself since all components are currently available. This is typically a 4350 powder cartridge.

I agree on the Creedmoor, I also talked to him about the Lapua (this is what I shoot). My buddy wants to build it and is thinks the 308 is the end all. So of course his 6.5 has to be on the same case. Thanks for the input.
To me, building a 260 on a long action would be wasting a long action. If you use a long action, you could build something like a 6.5-06. You have to run a 260 full throttle to keep up with a 6.5-06 on cruise.
If you use a short action then you'll be much better off using a Wyatt's extended magazine box. It's .110" longer than the stock box which you really need with a .260 on a short action. The action has to be modified a bit but it's not hard for any competent gunsmith. Running VLD's in a .260 with a standard short action magazine box isn't going to work very well.
Savage SA detachable magazines are 3.00 inches long, just saying ...

I have a 260AI in a Savage short action and shoot 140VLDs that fit in the detachable magazine.

Of course it does make a difference how long your throat is. :)
Skip the 260 and go with the 6.5x47. Ive had both and the 6.5x47 is better in terms of accuracy, ease of load development, and brass life. My 260 had loose pockets at 8 firings while some of my customers have 25+ firings on their 6.5x47 brass and the pockets are still good. My 6.5x47s are pushing the 140 hybrid at the same speed as my 260. The go to load for the last 4 Ive done is 41.1 gr of H4350, cci 450, and 140 hybrids at least .030 off the lands, 2830 fps in 28" barrel. This gives me 1/4 moa or better off the bipod in my tactical rifle at 100 yds and my fclass rifle will shoot this load in the .1's at 100 yards. I did a fluted #5 contour for a guy and he took it to a ground hog match and beat the benchrest guns at 300 yards. He regularly sends me pics of 1" groups at 600 and 4" groups at 1000 yards. The last time I took mine out for a long range outing it blasted a 3.8" group at 1170 yards. You won't be disappointed in the 6.5x47.

Ryan Pierce
I would go with a 260 on a long action. The extra throw won't ever be a handicap and whenever you want or need to rebarrel you can do anything you want and have room. The 260 seems awesome have fun
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