260 Long or Short

throw out the remcrap and buy a savage - got two short actions - one with a shil barrel and one a criterion - both can fit the 140 vld to lans no issue in short action with room to spare and the crit is a long throat. Why use a long without going 26-06ai as mentioned and why do a crappy rem with short mag then drop $500 to make it shoot like a savage. True it is harder to find aftermarket sav stocks, but not really that hard and you can swap to 243, 22-250, 308 in under 5 min with a new barrel.
now rem made good stuff in 80's and prior but Q control now is in the dumps and keeps smiths in business. It is a little more streamlined then the savs, but that is about the only advantage to it.
A Berger 140VLD loaded to the lands with the bullet sufficiently seated in the neck will be less than 3" so it will feed through a Rem 700 SA. An important factor will be measurements of the throat being the right dimension so that when the VLD is loaded to a COAL of 2.95-3.0", the loaded bullet is at the lands. In a 26" barrel this should get you 2800-2900FPS. The biggest issue with pushing pressures to get these results in the 260 is the likelihood of loose primer pockets. If pushing high velocity with high BC bullets is your goal and you have the flexibility to go with a long action, you could consider chambering the 6.5-284 or the 6.5-06. Either can be loaded down to more moderate velocities equaling the velocity and accuracy of the 260, and still have the option of increasing the charge for improved long range ballistics. IMHO
Looking to build a 260 Rem with bdl bottom metal. I have heard that some say a 700 short action is too small. Has anyone had problems with running VLDs with this setup? Is a long action needed.

The 260 was built for use in a short action so there is no need to build it on a long action that could be used for a longer cartridge.

The 260 Rem is a great cartridge and produces good velocities and energy beyond most hunting

As to the question is the short action to short, I have built the short magnums on the Model 7
that is 1/2" shorter that the short action Remington and all have bested 1/2 MOA even built my self a 338 RCM on a model 7 and it is awesome.

The short action is perfect for the 260 class cartridges and it makes a very handy rifle with a 22 or 24" barrel and gives up very little if any velocity. there are other cartridges that have been suggested like the 6.5x47 and they will all work, so the choice is yours.

Just my opinion

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