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26 nosler

Unless you are shooting very long range there is very few combos that can contend with this. Running with a Mac point blank range zero you can hold hair to close to 500y. That is simply amazing! Makes you very lethal.

And this work a bullet that will not have trouble with the launch speed or close range high vel impacts. Can do so without destroying your table trophy.

Yah, any sort of frangble bullet at these velocities is a flying bomb. The mono's and bonded bullets are definitely to be preferred.

I'm always nauseated by the softball to basketball sized exit wounds I see all too often from the Berger's and similar bullets.
All I'm interested in is a very flat and accurate round to 1000 yrds. Thanks for all the info so far. Keep them coming. I am going to get to look at a ridgeline tomorrow and if I like it I will order either the 26 or 28. From what everyone is saying they are both very capable. If the 143 hammer is accurate to 1000 then I will probably go with the 28 and do some reloading. Thanks.
All I'm interested in is a very flat and accurate round to 1000 yrds. Thanks for all the info so far. Keep them coming. I am going to get to look at a ridgeline tomorrow and if I like it I will order either the 26 or 28. From what everyone is saying they are both very capable. If the 143 hammer is accurate to 1000 then I will probably go with the 28 and do some reloading. Thanks.
1000y and elk in the same sentence says to me 7mm on the bare min. We might want to look at the 155g and 169g Hammer Hunters. Just need to run ballistic numbers and see howit all shakes out for your hunting needs.

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