26 Nosler????? !!!!!

Next up.....

140gr Berger Hybrids. Next to 300WM/168gr Hunting VLD and 338LM/225gr SMK.

That is awesome !!
All ya need is some tough bullets for hunting
Sure wish Berger comes out with a 160 gr Hybrid and Hornady with a 160 gr A-MAX
Nosler shook a tit with their useless 129 gr ABLR, should have been minimum of 140 gr but preferably 150-155 gr , now that woulda been something !

these are the bullets I will be working with in my 6.5



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My hunting bullet inventory for the 6.5 is virtually zero at the present time. Hope to get that changed shortly. Until then.. That is 250SMK not 225 obviously. For some reason I cannot edit that post.
It sure is a sexy looking cartridge :cool: I can't help but wonder how hard it would be to bump that shoulder back & lengthen the neck another .250 or so.....

That is awesome !!
All ya need is some tough bullets for hunting
Sure wish Berger comes out with a 160 gr Hybrid and Hornady with a 160 gr A-MAX
Nosler shook a tit with their useless 129 gr ABLR, should have been minimum of 140 gr but preferably 150-155 gr , now that woulda been something !

these are the bullets I will be working with in my 6.5

The 160gr Woodleigh is a keeper I have it running out of my 264WM at 3095fps, in Europe they use it for Moose. JLK makes a 130gr VLD with .620 BC that shoots nice also. 3249fps from my 264WM.
79gr of Retumbo with the 140gr Berger in this 8 twist is a little hot. Too much psi. Back to the drawing board. BTW it ran 3315fp on the Magnetospeed. Shot better, but I only ran 3 rounds at 300.
So...6 weeks of barrel life... How many rounds was that, just out of curiosity? I know I can load and shoot enough in 1 year to expire a 7mm RM barrel, so I'm sort of curious. I don't necessarily hate the .26 Nosler, but I am curious to know exactly how bad of a barrel-burner it is, to help justify my theories as to why it is not all it's cracked up to be. I am sure it is an absolute tack-driver at LR, which is quite impressive in its own rights, but if barrel life is that bad, can it really be justified as the cartridge it has been hyped-up to be?

Like I said, all bias aside, it generally strikes my curiosity.

I had a lot of time forming the brass to do the shots for the 6 weeks. 400 rounds and the barrel was gone. It takes a whole lot more of 7mm mag (not ultra) To even start the barrel burning process compared to the Nosler. In my opinion The 7mm STW really beats the Nosler by a wide margin. Not on paper but in actuality and in the field for killing power. The 7mm rem is really about as good as it gets with long barrel life. I will be posting a build I am in right now with the COAL lengthened to 3.59 inches amongst other mods. I expect 3150 out of a 175 ABLR. I Will video tape and post on here when the temp rises for real pressures. Compare this out of a 7mm Rem to the Nosler. Do not get me wrong. I think the Nosler has its own place. as long as one expects reality out of it. If I had to bet I think it will be as successful as the 7mm ultra mag.
I had a lot of time forming the brass to do the shots for the 6 weeks. 400 rounds and the barrel was gone. It takes a whole lot more of 7mm mag (not ultra) To even start the barrel burning process compared to the Nosler. In my opinion The 7mm STW really beats the Nosler by a wide margin. Not on paper but in actuality and in the field for killing power. The 7mm rem is really about as good as it gets with long barrel life. I will be posting a build I am in right now with the COAL lengthened to 3.59 inches amongst other mods. I expect 3150 out of a 175 ABLR. I Will video tape and post on here when the temp rises for real pressures. Compare this out of a 7mm Rem to the Nosler. Do not get me wrong. I think the Nosler has its own place. as long as one expects reality out of it. If I had to bet I think it will be as successful as the 7mm ultra mag.
400 rounds! ****....That's $1.00 per shot on the price of a barrel blank... I said 600 as a guess, but apparantly I was a bit off. Wow, that's horrible barrel life.

I still love my 7mm STW. And my 7mmRM's.

So basically, the 6.5 Nosler is 3x worse-for-wear than the .264 WinMag, and brass is 3x as expensive, but it's now gonna be hailed as God's gift to LR 6.5's, and the .264 WM will be all but forgotten......Sad sad sad.
400 rounds! ****....That's $1.00 per shot on the price of a barrel blank... I said 600 as a guess, but apparantly I was a bit off. Wow, that's horrible barrel life.

I still love my 7mm STW. And my 7mmRM's.

So basically, the 6.5 Nosler is 3x worse-for-wear than the .264 WinMag, and brass is 3x as expensive, but it's now gonna be hailed as God's gift to LR 6.5's, and the .264 WM will be all but forgotten......Sad sad sad.
I don't think anyone believes really that it's going to replace the other 6.5's. It's a caliber that has niche appeal only and to a very small number of shooters.

One barrel is not an adequate sample of barrel life, particularly since we don't know how it was shot. You can burn out a barrel in a hurry in most calibers if you shoot it hot.

That being said, I don't believe any of us are dumb enough to think this caliber is going to offer great barrel life and that most if not all of us rushing to put one together or to get in line for a custom know what we're getting ourselves into.

Whenever you push small diameter bullets over 120 gr to over 3000fps there's a price to be paid in reduced barrel life, the heavier they are and the more you exceed 3000 the shorter that barrel's life is going to be.

No one expects their dragsters engine to go 100,000 miles either.
Hey thanks! Where did you find that 26 Nosler Load info at? I had searched a little but hadn't hit it hard just yet.
I am going to drop the Retumbo charge and run a few out this evening. If all goes well I will get switched to H1000 and see what it does on Saturday.
400 rounds! ****....That's $1.00 per shot on the price of a barrel blank... I said 600 as a guess, but apparantly I was a bit off. Wow, that's horrible barrel life.

I still love my 7mm STW. And my 7mmRM's.

So basically, the 6.5 Nosler is 3x worse-for-wear than the .264 WinMag, and brass is 3x as expensive, but it's now gonna be hailed as God's gift to LR 6.5's, and the .264 WM will be all but forgotten......Sad sad sad.

Too bad. Having been a 6.5 nut for a long time, while skeptical, I was hoping the .26 would be interesting enough to move me off my 6.5x284's.
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