26 Nosler pet loads

If you are going to stick with the 127LRX, I would just seat it .050" off the lands and run a ladder test at 300 yards, go from the min charge up to the max in 1/2 grain steps and find a node. Then load 5 woth the charge in the middle of the node. If it groups well go with it. Very few rounds down the barrel that way.

I just built a 26 Nosler on Rem 700 platform. 26" barrel and been using 127 LRX. Still testing to find a load. My current load is 91grs. US869 (Max load) with the 127 LRX, and getting good ES but groups have been inconsistent. Going to rest and again see what happens. \

I agree the powder is dirty even when at max loads. My next powder to work with is RL-33. Just want to find a decent load for the rifle, and don't want to burn it out trying different combos.
If I had one I would shoot 147 eld m or 160 matrix good luck and have fun with your 500 rounds...
I would use retumbo powder.
If you had one, you'd know that the whole 500 round theory was ridiculous. I'm at 800 through a Shilen barrel and my accuracy hasn't slacked at all. I guess it's a good thing everyone isn't so pessimistic, we'd all still be looping 44-40 slugs at stuff.
Why does anyone care about someone else's barrel life? Never understood that. I'm pretty sure anyone who buys an overbore rifle does so knowing the barrel life will be shorter than normal. That being said, I have yet to shoot the barrel out of two 7 STW and three 257 Weatherby Mags. Shoot, cool, clean is all I can say.
Why does anyone care about someone else's barrel life? Never understood that. I'm pretty sure anyone who buys an overbore rifle does so knowing the barrel life will be shorter than normal. That being said, I have yet to shoot the barrel out of two 7 STW and three 257 Weatherby Mags. Shoot, cool, clean is all I can say.
Exactly, it's like the anti fast car club (boring) thats prolly out there somewhere! Lol. Yesterday, I killed the biggest buck if my life yesterday at 337 yards, and I aimed dead on where I wanted to hit and hit him right there. Death was instant! If that kind of performance comes at a cost, I'm certainly willing to pay it. ;)
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