243 win with hornady 95gn sst

I need help!! I've got a browning BAR in 243. Today I shot some factory 80gr. Win. Power points for the first time. I've shot 100grain corelokt a before with minute of deer at 100-200yds. However, these 80 wouldn't do well at all. I realize everything is factory but I was wondering if you guys had any ammunition ideas factory or hand loads? Ill be using this as my primary coyote rifle and might consider trying it on deer but not necessary. Just really wanting better hunting accuracy for coyotes (if I could ever call one in or get time to go.).

If you are looking for another factory load, try the Federal 80gr HP. Both the 100s and 80 Feds were very accurate in my Xbolt; like .25" groups. As you know every gun behaves differently, even the same model same cal. I would like to know if your BAR likes Federals as well.

I have a BAR in 270 and have developed pretty good hand loads for it, but it seems more persnickety and harder to develop loads for than the Xbolt. It is also harder to shoot accurately because the trigger is kind of squishy, not crisp. But don't get me wrong, I like the gun. I nailed a 220 lb boar with it at 160 yards a few weeks ago - Hit him pretty much where I was aiming as he was walking, changing directions. Spotter yelled "Perfect shot!". 130gr TSX took out major arteries above his heart and 1 lung gone...thru and thru....dead within seconds.
I've got one in .270 also. I love the bAR. I've killed several deer with mine. Ill definitely try those federals. I also found a 75 grain hornady factory load. I'm gonna give those a whirl as well.
Like stated before, all guns are different. But with my Marlin XS7 243 I went through several boxes of factory ammo in various sizes and brands and nothing factory shot well in it. Took me a day to get it driving tacs by handloading. I shot a 2-1/2" group with this load at 500 yards
Dang! You shot a 2 1/2 group at 500 yds! That's crazy awesome! Man if I can got'em in a 6 inch group at 400 yds with any gun I'm tickled to death.
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