243 win with hornady 95gn sst

The problem currently is that I need to have a long list of what I might take when I go to the gun shop since they may be totally out, or something random may have been delivered and stocked a few minutes before. Sure plays havoc with planning....

westcliff- I get very similar stats if I shoot a 85gr Barnes TSX @3400. With standard drag formula (not G7) though it only has a BC of .333. In practice load them to 3200, zero at 200, and exprience about 5.5" drop at 300 (1500'alt). If it is a calm day .3 MOA @ 300 is not uncommon.

According to other postings, a 95gr SST at these speeds would do quite number on just about any size deer though I have heard of these and even TSX being deflected by a solid shoulder bone.

I have tested the SSTs expansion by shooting through 3 successive 2"x 6" boards each seperated by a 2" airgap. Though not the same as bone, organs, and muscle, it gives an idea of expansion characteristics. The SST seems to expand rapidly, then stop expanding and continue penetration, much more so than Hdy Interlocks or Rem Corelocks.
I have not tried them on game yet. Loaded them for my wife and she was watching our 6 month old and did not hunt. I did hunt with it some just never saw anything I wanted to shoot while I had it out. Killed my deer with a bow and modded Mosin Nagant I've been joy tinkering with. My friend however worked up some loads at the same time I did and his 243 is his main deer gun. He used this load with great success on a few deer this year. Worked great on average sized deer. Didn't lose any deer and they all either dropped or made it less than 50 yards.
I have mine loaded at 35 grns of Varget which is the book maximum, but I have no sign of over pressure. These Nosler BTs seem really easy to load. I set mine at .01 -.02 off the LANs and did a two shot ladder test meaning two shots per grain loading. Really took me only a day to get her driving tacks. I could not get the SSTs to shoot satisfactory. Good luck.

Ps mine gun shoots best at max load. Yours may vary. My gun by the way is a marlin xs7 243 with a 22" light weight barrel.
Ive shot them through my howa 1500 with a 22' barrel at about 2950fps using s365 thats about the same as your 4350 without any pressure. Shot a baboon at 380yds with them. They dont have a very good bc though.
I have loaded 100gr Hornady BTSP Interlocks, and my most accurate load with Varget (32gr) is only about 2690 fps. But I have put 3 rounds in the same ragged hole at 200 yards, with the 4th .25" away with that load.

I'm working on a new load with 4831 in an effort to keep this level of accuracy but boost the vel back up to to 2900 for hunting.

Okay so I tested those IMR 4831 loads to see if I could get the speed up and keep accuracy and I was very surprised. I 5 each in .3 increments. It got interesting at the max loads listed in Hogdon's various manuals, 43.0gr, though I have older manuals that go up to 44.0 gr on a 100 gr bullet. Here's the average of each 5 shot string I chronographed with a ProChrono

42.7 gr = 3055 fps
43.0 gr = 3037 ??
43.3 gr = 3079
43.6 = 3139
43.9 = 3142

All except 43.6 turned in pretty good groups- 3 of the 5 touching. But the hottest load going out at 3142 ES 38 SD 14 might have been the tightest
No dramatic pressure signs...the primers are flattened but not cratered or blown. (Heck, my primers are flattened (tho a little less) in this gun with a mild Varget + 85gr HPBT load. ) There are no brass issues that I can detect.

This is out of a 22" barrel. I don't usually see velocities of a 100gr up there in the 3100+ range. Does anyone else see those speeds with their 243 and 95 or 100 gr bullets? Given no stress signs on the case, is this dangerous??
I need help!! I've got a browning BAR in 243. Today I shot some factory 80gr. Win. Power points for the first time. I've shot 100grain corelokt a before with minute of deer at 100-200yds. However, these 80 wouldn't do well at all. I realize everything is factory but I was wondering if you guys had any ammunition ideas factory or hand loads? Ill be using this as my primary coyote rifle and might consider trying it on deer but not necessary. Just really wanting better hunting accuracy for coyotes (if I could ever call one in or get time to go.).
What type of rifle are you using? I wasn't sure if your were replying to me or not. I'm using the BAR. If you are using the BAR, this is awesome and I will definitely have it loaded!
Mine is a marlin xs7 w/a 22" barrel. But it may shoot well for your BAR. The same bullet over some 4064 shoots less than Moa from my friends Winchester.
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