.243 Win for deer?

Rem, you need to work up loads for just a few more bullets and then sell me that gun!
I bought a Rem 788 .243 carbine (18.5 inch barrel) a couple of years ago and have fallen in love with the caliber, at least for casual paper punching. I nicknamed the gun The Flamethrower for obvious reasons and she's more than held her own at a couple of balloon/egg shoots here in the state. The long-barrel .223 shooters just grin and shake their heads when they see me setting up.
I strongly recomend the 100gr Seirra gameking SBT. I have used it both handloading and in the federal premium loading for the 243 with outstanding success. I have a browning Eurobolt w/boss and it will shoot 3 shots into .3-.5" at 100 yards all day. THe fed premium load was so accurate out of it that I stopped bothering to reload for it and shoot it almost exclusively, even when I do reload for it I duplicate the load as closely as possible. I have shot several deer at ranges from 80-280 yards all one shot kills with no deer going more than 25 yards after the shot. The biggest was a large 7 pt shot at 230 yards dressed weight of 175lbs.
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