243 powders

Maybe I missed it but one of my favorites is Ramshot Hunter. I load on a progressive and it meters very well. Multiple charge weights gave good accuracy but charges in the middle of Ramshot 7th Ed. gave me sub 1/4" groups at 100 yards and held the X Ring at 600 yards in F-Class when I read the wind correctly.
Hybrid V 100 is becoming my new favourite. As is Staball 6.5. Recently trialed 7828 sc with 90gr BERGER BTHT. Slower but good predicable results.
If I can find some I'll get Hybrid 100. I am not looking for max velocity. A lot depends on bullet weight, twist, barrel length. Some calibers I have have best accuracy is not at the top end. I have some friends that say to use RL-16 or RL-26, which will give a few more FPS. I kind of like sticking to a powder that I have good results with. everytime I switch then have to start all over working an acceptical load. Well the old saying that if it isn't broke don't fix it. H4350 for my .243 is almost perfect.Don't really see getting beter that 1/4" MOA with a Remington Information that I recently came across on Hybrid V100 really peaks my interest. I have a Rem 700 Mountian DM, 22", Bell & Carlson stock, with a Monarch Gold UCC 2.5x10 -50SF M Nikoplex weighing in under 7.5#s. Great Carry/Pack rifle. I'll stick with the H4350 for now. Strongly suggest this powder for a .243.


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